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richie opened his eyes and felt something warm cuddling him. he looked down and saw that it was eddie. he smiled to himself and  kissed his forehead. but then, he remembered a blinding light waking him up. he sat up straight and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes carefully - of course - so that he wouldn't wake eddie up.

"goodmorning!" the rest of the losers club greeted loudly.

richie saw that they were all holding a camera. he still doesn't know where they got it - but that was the least of his problems. he thought his friends waking eddie up was more important.

"seriously guys? you just woke eddie up." richie said.

"aww! look at richie worried about his baby!" beverly giggled.

"it's okay richie - i had a good sleep anyway." eddie smiled.

richie blushed and mumbled an okay.

"honestly, you guys would be the cutest couple ever!" ben chirped.

"ben's right. i mean, you guys look perfect together." mike added.

"but, both of you should really stand up soon and get ready - it's already 12PM." stan said.

richie and eddie looked at each other with wide eyes and stood up. they ran around the living room like a bunch of rats and tried to pack all of their things again.

after a few minutes, they finally thought they packed everything they brought and went home with the rest of the losers (except for bill of course). but, little did eddie know he forgot one of his most precious things - his diary.

hey guys! i thought of this chapter while going home from school since it's rlly far from my house. anyway, how was this chapter?? was it good, bad or meh? thanks for reading and have a good day! don't forget to vote, comment and share yEET.

trec 🌈

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