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eddie woke up. he squinted at the fact that a bright light was blinding him. he rubbed his eyes and looked around.

'where am i?' eddie thought.

eddie sat up and got startled by his mother.

"oh! eddie-bear! you're awake," sonia said. "i missed you and i love you!" she peppered his face with kisses. he cringed at the sudden contact.

"mommy, i'm fine." eddie said quietly. "where am i?"

"oh honey, you're in the hospital," sonia replied. "you passed out. it must be because of the pills. but don't wor-"

"mommy, can i stop taking the pills?" eddie asked.

"i'm sorry - but you can't. you have to keep taking it everyday. i promise it's going to cure y-" sonia was cut off once again.

"i'm not sick!" eddie roared.

"do not use that tone on me edward!"

"i'm in the hospital! is this not enough proof that the pills i'm taking are killi-"

"they're helping you! they're not killing you - okay? you will keep on taking them." sonia said sternly.

eddie flinched. he didn't like his mom when she was angry. it scared him.

"okay." he replied softly.

sonia pulled out a tiny bottle from her purse. it was filled with pills. she handed it to eddie.

"drink these. it'll cure your homosexuality." she said.

eddie did what he was told to do. he swallowed it dry. he was used to it.

holaaa. here's the update thingy :^) i'm sorry for the shizzy writing :^( also, i'm sorry that this is rlly short. i'll try and update tomorrow 💞

trec 🌈

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