character ask thing!! idk if this is the actual name bUT LET'S PRETEND IT IS

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italic - question
normal - answer


> are you okay in that place i mean?

[ i guess.]

> you poor baby, :(

[ you shouldn't really feel sorry for me; everything was my fault.]

> why do you love richie?

[ i love richie, well, because he's richie. i don't know if you get me - sorry about that.]

> what's your favorite thing about richie?

[oh! that's actually a good question. i love everything about richie. i guess my favorite thing about him is his hair.]

> have you ever gotten a love letter?

[no. who would want to send me a love letter anyway?]

> will you run away and return to derry just to be with richie and then leave derry with him and go somewhere awesome and live happily ever after?

[ i wish life worked that way - it would be awesome. but, no.]

> who is your favorite loser (not counting richie)

[ everyone is my favorite; i can't just choose one.]

> do you like richie?

[ yes - a lot actually.]

> is richie cute?

[ of course! ]

> do you like richie? and don't give up on your friends.

[ i like richie a lot. uh, i already did - sorry about that. ]

> fu*k your mom

[ ew no. i have taste. ]


> not a question but save eddie. go to his house and save him

[ what do you mean? did something happen to him? ]

> why do you hate eddie? he did nothing

[ i hate eddie because he gave up on the losers and me. ]

> do you love eddie?

[ i used to. ]

> fave thing about eddie?

[ everything. ]

> why do you love eddie?

[ i think you mean 'why do you used to love eddie?' well, that's because he's nice, cute, smart - it'll take me a hundred years to complete my list. i loved him because of a lot of things. ]

> why do you hate eddie?

[ i already said why. ]

> will you and eddie ever actually date?

[ after all the things he did? hell no. ]

> why is your mom such a bit*h?

[ i didn't even mention my mom. how did you know she's a bit*h? ]

> did you mean what you said to eddie? how u hated him?

[ yes. ]


> why are you so mean to eddie i mean so what if he's gay! pills can't make him not gay!

[ i am NOT mean to eddie. i'm just trying to help him. i read from a magazine that certain pills can make people not gay. ]

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