rEaD tHiS

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waddup y'all jdjsjd aNyWaY iM gOn gO sTrAiGhT (HAHA) tO tHe pOiNt. so liek, i'm going to update today BUt i still have to do my projects and study for quizzes and shiz (i'm tired uGh we always have homeworks and poo). my eyes literally feel numb liek wtf???? i can't feel my eyes jdnsn iM actually not joking. alsoooo i'll be doing the reddie oneshots book after our exams and it'll be fUn :^)))) UHHH LASTLY, i'll post the new chapter in liek idk an hour or five???? I HAVE CLASSES TOMORROW SO U HAVE TO WAIT FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS. we have a school play coming up as well so i aM a bUzY bEe. THANKS FOR 1000+ AND 100+ READS AS WELL THE HECC,????? have a photo of sophia bc she's so pretty and nice and i love her a lot 💕

trec 🌈

trec 🌈

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