
3.6K 135 90

09 - 20 - 1989

dear diary,

today has been a good day so far. it's currently nine in the morning. richie went home three hours ago.

last night was the best night i've ever had. if you're thinking if we did the dirty, no we didn't. richie just kissed me; but thing is, he kissed me on the lips. i can't even comprehend that that happened.

his lips were chapped but they felt good otherwise. i think it's a pretty great kiss since we're just beginners. his lips also tasted sweet. i don't really know what he ate before we did it - but i'm not complaining. it made the kiss a hundred times better.

when mommy asked if i was with someone, richie ran - quickly and silently - to my bedroom closet and hid there; while i feigned being asleep. it was pretty close! i'm glad we didn't get caught. i would have a lot of explaining to do if she found me awake in the middle of the night with or without richie.

anyway, i'm going to continue my day now. i know you should write on your diary at night before the day ends - but i just couldn't help it.

with love,
eddie tozier (it has a nice ring to it)

HEy. ik i haven't updated in who knows how long and iM RLLY SORRY!! i've been really busy with exams. the good news tho is that it's almost summer break :^) it's still on march bUT IT'S P CLOSE. anyway, thanks for reading and i'm rlly soeey again for not updating. also, 3.9k reads and 400+ votes????? wOW DJKAKDK THANKS SO MUCH!!

trec 🌈

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