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the door flew open.

richie saw eddie on the bathroom floor screaming. he was beyond terrified.

"eddie!" richie called. "c'mon, i'll take you to the hospital!"

richie tried to make eddie stand but it wasn't working.

"c'mon eddie, work with me!" richie's eyes were filling up with tears.

but eddie still didn't stand up.

richie left him on the bathroom floor and went downstairs to call an ambulance.

"hello?!" richie panicked. "i need an ambulance!"

the police who was in charge of the phone told him to calm down.

"what's happening?" the police asked calmly.

"my bo- i mean, my friend i-i don't know what's hap-happening to h-him!"

"sir, can you just describe what's going on with him?"

"he's screaming as if he's in so much pain - and i think he is! please p-p-please hurr-hurry!"

the police asked him for eddie's address and then told him that they were on their way.

while richie was running to the bathroom, eddie's screams stopped.

"eddie, no!" richie screamed.

he ran as fast as he could and saw eddie on the bathroom floor lifeless. tears were running down richie's face.

"eddie, st-stay wi-with me!" richie was sobbing hard.

he heard the ambulance and immediately opened the window. he told them that eddie was inside the bathroom.

the people inside the ambulance then, carried a stretcher and went to where eddie was. they placed him on it - the stretcher - and carried him away.

when eddie was finally inside the ambulance, richie ran down the stairs as quickly as he could.

"p-ple-please let me come with hi-him!" richie cried.

"are you one of his family members?" one of them asked.

"i'm his best friend. d-does that c-count?"

"i'm sorry kid - you can't go with us. only his family mem-"

"so you're telling me that i'm not a part if his family? huh?" richie was infuriated and sad.

"listen, if you want us to save your best friend then we have to go. okay?"

the person who richie was talking to closed the door and sped off.

"wait!" richie called. he tried running after the car; but, he couldn't.

richie got tired. he fell to his knees and sobbed uncontrollably.

"no!" he screamed. "why?!"

at this point, richie didn't even care about the fact that his glasses were blurry with tears and that people were staring at him. he was in the middle of the road! cars honked at him but he still didn't move.

"richie!" a female voice called. richie didn't even look up.

"richie, what happened to you?!" it was beverly.

beverly ran to richie and made him stand up. she dragged him away from the middle of the road and tried to talk to him.

"richie! what the hell were you doing?! you could've gotten killed! do you hear me?!" beverly shouted.

richie didn't reply. he simply stared into space.

"richie! answer me!" she demanded.

"eddie..." richie mumbled.


richie didn't reply again.

"i'm just going to take you to bill's house." beverly sighed.

she took richie's hand and dragged him to bill's home. everything just shocked him.

bonjour! hOLA!¡ waddup??? hope u liked this one :> here's a slightly long one bc i've been giving short and slow updates (oof sorry abt that). UHhhhHHH we have a school play coming soon so i'm a busy bee atm (i dO a LoT oF tHiNgS). i hope u have a good day!!

trec 🌈

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