No matter how frightened Jimin was while seated in a vampire's car, being stolen and taken somewhere he didn't know of, the teenager somehow managed to let his tear soaked eyes flutter shut and his head rest gently against the door as he fell into a nap.
Meanwhile back at the club, Baekhyun was already drunk and hadn't even noticed Jimin's disappearance... Whereas the Kaisoo couple and the missing boy's best friend Hoseok, seemed unable to knock some sense into the drunk boy about the fact that Jimin was gone.
"I don't understand where he could have gone!? I saw him sat at a table, then suddenly he is no where to be seen!?" Hoseok paced back and forth after he reached Jimin's voicemail for the 12th time in the past 5 minutes.
"B-b-but Jimin's a b-biiiiig boy~! Hic!He c-can take care of himsellllllffff~" Baekhyun stuttered and slurred as he sat leant against the wall of the alley they were in next to the club.
"Baek, this is Jimin you're talking about, shy, geeky, short little guy, you know the one we're on about right?" Kai crouched to his level and the drunk boy thought for a moment; the expression on his face seeming as though it was the most difficult task of his life.
"O-oohhhhhh J-Jimin-Ah! The one next door, oohhhhh hah... He's s-s-screwed! Hic!" Kai sighed at his friends giggling state during such a serious situation.
Baekhyun was right on every level, if they were talking about anyone else, nobody would be as worried... Maybe just a little confused...
But Jimin?
Everyone knew Jimin couldn't last 10 minutes by himself... Which is why the guilt in the three sober boys was overpowering every other rational thought they had, for leaving their almost child-like friend alone in the first place.
"His Dad is gonna kill us..."
Despite knowing this fact, the boys eventually acted upon their better judgements and decided that, no matter how much deep shit they'd put themselves into, they had to tell Jimin's father.
Which is how Kai and Kyungsoo had half carried an almost passed out Baekhyun to Jimin's house, as Hoseok panicked his brains for a way to explain to the chief of police why his son had vanished from existence.
Ding Dong!
Despite it being late at night, it surprisingly only took a few moments for a figure to be seen through the blurred windows of the door.
The boys were slightly relieved that it was Jimin's mother who opened the door for them, with a very confused expression prominent on her features. "Boys? What are you doing here at half past one on the morning? You're lucky my husband accidentally woke me up a few moments ago on his way to an emergency at work." The gentle woman explained to the anxious friends stood on her doorstep.
"Uh, Mrs. Kim, could we come in?" Hoseok asked while fiddling with a silver ring on his middle finger, eyes cast downwards as he praised the lord that Baekhyun stayed quiet.
"Of course Hoseok, come in boys." She stood to the side as the four boys entered her house, not failing to notice the eldest of them being rather intoxicated at that moment.
As they all sat in the living room, Baekhyun finally decided his brain was too jumbled to keep his mouth shut, "M-Mrs. Kim? We lost y-your son!" He slurred and Hoseok immediately slapped a hand over the boy's mouth as Kaisoo just gasped.
"Actually, that's a fair point, Hoseok, where is Jimin? I see that Baekhyun is drunk so I'm currently praying that he's spouting nonsense, but you four are the only people I assumed Jimin would be with, other than Seokjin, is he with him?" The lady asked, a nervous frown now helping her slightly teary eyes show that she worried for her son.

Fangs • Jikook Vampire AU (Discontinued)
FanfictionSet in a world where Vampires and Humans live amongst each other... except one species is always trying to kill the other. In which Park Jimin - an adorable high school student from Seoul Korea - finds himself stuck living with the wrong group of va...