Chapter 9

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Jimin's POV

"Come on Jimin you're gonna make us late for dance!" Hoseok called to me through my closed bedroom door, "coming Hyung I'm almost ready!" I replied while pulling my tight black shirt over my head and just fixing my hair one last time.

I grabbed my bag and opened the door to see the top of Hoseok's head disappearing down the stairs, I jogged after him and we slipped on our shoes before hurrying out the front door.

"I swear if we're late because of you I won't get in trouble, I will tell Miss it's all your fault." He huffed and I rolled my eyes, "we won't be late Hyung we just have to walk a little faster than usual." I replied as I sped my pace.

"But now I'm gonna be tired when we do get to dance~" he whined and I laughed, "it's just a little more exercise Hyung, you'll be fine, I can ask Eomma to pick us up after if you'd like?" I offered and he considered it for a moment, "maybe, depends how I feel by the end. Come on I'm not being late." He jogged off ahead of me and I laughed before following behind, shaking my head.


It had been almost a month since I've been home, and just like Jungkook promised, I hadn't seen or heard from a single one of them.

My life has gone back to almost exactly how it was before, except for the added scars to my neck and the way I space out more often, thinking about Jungkook, and the others.

I hadn't spent much time there but it really had changed my life, I almost missed it... I missed Jungkook at least, but it's not even just that, I miss the thrill and the feeling of constantly being on edge.

Maybe I'm an adrenaline junkie...?

But besides all that, my grades at school had even dropped because of my excessive spacing out, I'd get distracted by anything that even slightly reminded me of Jungkook or the vampire house.

Hoseok kept me in check and I wasn't failing any classes I just wasn't a top student anymore like I was before everything happened.


We got to dance a few minutes early due to Hoseok beginning to sprint halfway through the walk there. "I told you we wouldn't be late." I smirked and he scoffed, "the only reason we aren't late is because I exerted much more energy than I wanted to."

"Well sorry Hyung but beauty has a price." I smiled angelically and cupped my own face as he rolled his eyes, "Yeah we all know you're pretty Jimin no need to show off." I turned to giggle at Kai's response but was first pulled into a hug from behind as he ruffled my hair.

"Hey I spent ages on my hair, don't mess it up!" I swatted his hands away and he laughed, "I don't know why you put so much effort in, you're just gonna sweat all your prettiness away anyway." He shrugged and I pouted.

"Well I dunno, I feel more confident when I've put more effort into my appearance, makes it easier to act through the dance." I explained, "Well I guess that makes sense... But I think that's not the only reason." He wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk and I frowned.

"Yah what do you mean?" I shoved him slightly and he laughed, "you're trying to impress someone aren't you? Who is it? Is it Taemin? He's totally your type right?" Kai kept teasing and I was about to defend myself when Hoseok piped in, "Yeah Jiminie, even if it's not maybe you should talk to him more, he definitely likes you."

I looked over to the boy with wide eyes to see him already looking at me, he was good looking... he had fluffy blonde hair and a gleaming smile, his eyes were always so soft and kind and he just radiated a loving and caring personality...

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