Chapter 19

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Jimin's POV

After Taehyung had driven me home I made sure to introduce him to my parents, they seemed to really like him straight away and thanked him for driving me home. I made up an excuse that I got overly tired and started to feel really unwell on the road trip so Taehyung- who we met along the way- was nice enough to offer me an early ride home.

I was thinking about asking Tae to bring the others back too, but I knew they were all enjoying just one week of their summer break doing something a little daring and different. I did ask him to make sure they were all okay staying there without me, but I was pretty certain they'd be fine.

I got a call from Hoseok the next morning, asking me if I was sure I didn't need him to come home and be there as best friend support, I thanked him but told him I'd rather be alone.

I didn't want to be alone though, I wanted to be with Jungkook. The thought of him hurt me but I couldn't help it, I wish he would just run to me, knock on that door and explain to my parents how he was a stupid boy who made a stupid mistake and just needs to come in and apologise to me.

Then he'd come up with tears in his eyes and beg for my forgiveness, say he needed me and he was the biggest idiot on the planet for ever thinking I didn't need him too...

Of course I liked spending time with Taehyung, he fit perfectly with me, we were like two peas in a pod and we got on like a house on fire. I just could never wrap my head around how Jungkook saw our friendship as anything more than that, there's no way he's that jealous of a person.

Jieun fed him lies but he believed her, and they were so far fetched with no proof that he must've thought something of Taehyung and I beforehand anyway. We'd already discussed his jealousy the night we almost had sex...

I thought he was over it and he'd understand that Tae and I were no more than friends who just in this short amount of time managed to find such great bonds that I'd even class him as one of my best friends.

It's hard to believe someone like Jungkook could be insecure... but maybe that's it, if he honestly thinks I'd choose someone else over him, it's partly that he doesn't trust me, but maybe the main factor is just that he doesn't think he's good enough.

My phone started ringing as I was sat in my bedroom on my laptop, going over some work I needed to do before school started again, my chest squeezed when I saw the name but I answered anyway.

"Hi hyung." I mumbled and I heard Jin sigh across the line, "Jiminie... I'm so sorry about what happened, Tae explained it all, I could tell something was up when we got back but baekhyun hoseok and I all went upstairs before any of it actually happened, I didn't want us to intrude." He apologised and I shook my head before remembering he couldn't see me.

"It's okay Jin-Hyung, it sucks but, I've gone a while without seeing him before, I've gone through that pain of not being able to have him around and I was okay... so I'll be okay, just, enjoy your time with Namjoon and the others yeah?" I sniffed slightly, feeling my eyes start to water as I tried convincing myself everything would be alright.

"Yeah... but Jiminie, just so you know, Jungkook has been locked away in his room since last night. I know what he did isn't okay, but I also think he knows that now- I guess I just..." he stopped and sighed, I could tell he wanted to say more but it was like he was scared to.

"What Hyung?" I pushed and he seemed to still be thinking for a moment before he continued, "I know it hasn't been long- but- I think I'm starting to really like Namjoon... I don't know if I want to call it love yet, but I do know that I'd be devastated if he did something to me like what Jungkook has done to you, and we're not even as close as you two are yet. But I also think that if I knew he was feeling the way Jungkook is about it afterwards... I guess what I'm trying to say is, wait until he apologises of course- but please try to forgive him Jiminie..."

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