Chapter 5

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Jimin's POV

The morning after Jungkook had fed from me was a very tense one. Yoongi seemed mad at both me and his younger brother while Jungkook just wouldn't stop staring at me.

We were sat in the dining hall again, not everyone was awake but some of the vampires were gathered together, Seulgi happened to be sat as far from me as possible while she ate her breakfast.

I didn't know much about vampires before now, everyone knows they exist but nobody has ever become friendly enough with them to be able to find out the facts and tell them to other humans...

I had previously assumed that vampires didn't even need to eat. I thought that they survived purely on blood, but considering we were all sat together eating toast or cereal, I think is safe to say they eat just as often as ordinary humans.

Blood just quenches their thirst.

Not just a normal thirst though, not like how we humans get thirsty and just grab a glass of water.

More of an animalistic thirst that couldn't be quenched by anything but blood, the crimson of their eyes reflecting just how desperately they needed the thick, warm substance.

I could never understand how it felt unless I too felt it, but what I saw in Jungkook last night gave me a glimpse into how vampires really feel.

Us humans just see them as monsters. Heartless killing machines that get pleasure from sucking the life out of us. But even after staying here for less than a week, I can already tell that's not true at all. Well for some vampires I'm sure they do get pleasure out of showing their power.

But these men (at least the ones I've come to know and for the rest I'll trust what Yoongi's told me) don't kill just for fun but purely because they need to to survive.

"Hey Jiminie, I'm surprised to see you in here again." Taehyung's deep morning voice cooed from behind me as he cutely rubbed his eyes and sluggishly sat in the chair beside me, just like at dinner yesterday.

"Oh, hi Taehyung. Did you sleep well?" I asked with a polite smile to which he grinned back, "yeah I did actually, thank you ChimChim." I was taken back by the nickname, but actually found it rather cute and couldn't help the playful smile pulling at the corner of my mouth.

"That's good TaeTae." I giggled and he chuckled with me, "I like that nickname, you'll be ChimChim and I'll be TaeTae." He smiled brightly before standing up to grab a slice of toast from the kitchen counter which Yoongi had made earlier.

Once I had finished my cereal Yoongi immediately grabbed my hand and began trying to drag me away from the table, "woah uh Yoongi-ah, can I not stay and chat with Taehyung for a while?" I asked with a confused pout to which he sighed.

"Jiminie the others will be awake soon and I feel like I already pushed it by bringing you to dinner yesterday. Not everyone here will accept you as I do how many times do I need to explain that." I frowned and squeezed my hand.

"I have to at least try, they will like me eventually." I held my head up and spoke with confidence despite my lack of it on the inside. To make matters worse I heard a scoff from he other end of the room and turned to see Seulgi holding her empty bowl with an eyebrow raised.

"Jimin don't be stupid, surely you've matured past that by now. We're vampires. You know when your boyfriend brings you home to meet his family and says 'don't worry, they don't bite' well we do. So don't be so naive." She rolled her eyes before placing her bowl on the counter, leaving the room and heading up the stairs.

I could feel the heat in my cheeks as embarrassment flushed over me. So Seulgi does remember me... and she thinks I'm stupid. Maybe I am, but I'll get them to like me, if it's the last thing I do. Which it very well could be.

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