Jimin woke up curled in Jungkook's arms, his cheeks felt stiff from the dried tears and his eyes were puffy and sore.
But above all else, the heavy aching in his chest hadn't shifted in the slightest.
Jungkook noticed him stirring and began to run his hands through his dishevelled blonde hair, "are you feeling okay, love?" He whispered, placing a kiss behind the smaller boy's ear.
Jimin turned to face him, noticing his tired eyes, glazed over with distant sadness, "I should be asking you that." He brought his hand up to stroke his boyfriend's cheek softly and Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning into the touch.
"We'll be okay..." he breathed, refusing to reopen his eyes, realising that they would most definitely betray his words.
"It's okay to be sad, Guk... it doesn't make you weak, it makes you human." Jimin brushed his fingers through Jungkook's hair and the older opened his eyes again, sniffling quietly as he tried his hardest not to start crying.
"I wonder how everyone else is doing." He clenched his jaw, blinking away his tears and looking to the ceiling, "there you go again, worrying about everyone but yourself." Jimin managed a weak wobbly smile as his heart cracked at his boyfriend's selflessness and need to stay strong.
"Would you like me to talk to Jongin, I realise I haven't given you any time to be alone." He continued, sitting up and taking a deep breath, avoiding Jungkook's eyes. "Hey, you know I don't want to be away from you, I don't need alone time. It's okay, we'll both talk to Jongin."
The vampire sat up too, stretching his arms and rubbing Jimin's shoulder reassuringly as they stood.
Jimin looked over to his friend's neatly made bed, "He was up really early, I didn't sleep. I told him it was his room and he could stay but he insisted on leaving us alone until you woke up." Jungkook explained, noticing the concerned expression on the younger's face.
"Hm, I'll call him, in case his parents are home. We shouldn't wander through his house." Jimin nodded solemnly, getting his crappy burner phone off the nightstand and thanking the Lord that he had a good memory for phone numbers.
He would rather have just sent a text... but that clearly wasn't possible on this old-timey flip phone.
Jimin subconsciously smiled at his friend's familiar voice, "hey, it's Jimin, I don't have my phone so that's why it was a different number. Uh, we're up now and I feel like you deserve an explanation." He spoke quietly, almost as if the heavy atmosphere in the room was suffocating his voice.
"I'll be up in a minute."
They ended the call and Jimin looked over to Jungkook who had put his shirt back on, he reached over and pulled the vampire's cold hand into his smaller one.
Jungkook blinked and looked over, clearly he'd been lost in thought. Jimin was really worried for him... he had lost so much in just one flash of a moment.
But he smiled.
As soon as his eyes locked onto Jimin's, his lips stretched into a beautiful soft smile, and the younger boy had never felt so much sadness from such a wonderful expression.
"I love you. So much." The blonde boy spoke with conviction, squeezing Jungkook's hand for emphasis. It caught the brunette by surprise, he gulped dryly and looked to the ceiling again, blinking away those ever-persistent tears.
"Thank you, I love you too." He eventually responded, voice cracking slightly midway, before he cupped Jimin's jaw and connected their lips softly.

Fangs • Jikook Vampire AU (Discontinued)
FanfictionSet in a world where Vampires and Humans live amongst each other... except one species is always trying to kill the other. In which Park Jimin - an adorable high school student from Seoul Korea - finds himself stuck living with the wrong group of va...