Jimin's POV
After Jungkook left I remembered to quickly apply some concealer to my new bite wound before hurriedly leaving, hoping to not get there too much later than Hoseok.
Taemin's house was only a block away which is good since I don't drive, I didn't want to walk too quickly and look all out of breath and sweaty when I got there, so I just walked at a slightly brisk pace.
I reached Taemin's house 10 minutes after I'd left my own and found Hoseok's car parked out front, he doesn't drive all the time since he prefers to walk but I guess he lives a little further away than me so wanted to drive us there.
I took a moment to compose myself before knocking on the door, I could hear faint music coming from inside which greatly increased in volume the moment the door was opened, "Hi Jimin! Glad you could make it!" Taemin beamed as he pulled me inside.
I smiled back before cautiously looking around to find Hoseok, there were more people here than I first expected.
"Little gathering" my ass...
"Yeah me too, uh where's Hoseok?" I asked hopefully and he nodded toward the living room, I felt his hand on my lower back as he led me toward the even more crowded room.
"Ah Jiminie! That was quick, I thought you were gonna get here way later." Hoseok called as he saw me, "Yeah I felt better pretty quickly, I think I was just nervous." I lied and he smiled, walking me over to the couch he was previously sat on.
"You look great Jimin." Taemin complimented as he sat beside me, "thanks, and thank you for inviting me." I tried to avoid complimenting him back, as thoughts of Jungkook's gorgeous face ran through my mind.
Nobody else deserves to be complimented when I have that to look at...
"It's my pleasure, I'm glad we're finally getting closer." He smiled sweetly and put an arm around me, does he think he has a chance of getting with me?
Don't get me wrong, he's handsome and sweet and I'm sure he'd make a great boyfriend to anyone, but I need to tell him I'm not available before he gets the wrong idea...
Just as I was thinking of a way to tell him Hoseok began talking to me, "this is fun right." He smiled, Taemin having left to talk to some other people now.
"Uh, sure, busier than I expected." I mumbled and he frowned, "Come on Jimin this is just a party, loosen up, get closer to Taemin I can tell he really likes you." He winked and I chewed on my lower lip.
"But Hobi what if I don't want to, you keep saying he likes me but what if I don't like him." I frowned and he sighed, "you gotta give people a chance Jimin that's the whole point of dating, surely you must think he's attractive?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Sure but... he's not uh... I dunno I can't explain, I could just never be with him." I brushed it off but Hoseok wasn't seeming to take that as a good enough answer, "Why not Jimin. I could understand if he genuinely wasn't a nice guy but you seem to get on well so why won't you give him a chance? It's not like you have a boyfriend already..."
He was definitely getting suspicious and I was getting annoyed, "Hoseok just please drop it, I don't like him like that okay." I snapped and he raised an eyebrow, "fine. But please just try to enjoy the party." He finally gave up and I nodded, thanking him for leaving the subject just before Taemin came back.
"Hey do you want a drink? My parents would kill me if I had alcohol at a party even at this age, besides I don't think alcohol is necessary anyway, but we've got coke and other stuff?" Taemin asked me with a grin and I smiled back, "sure I'll come with you to see what you have." I suggested, mainly hoping to just get away from Hobi and his questioning glare.

Fangs • Jikook Vampire AU (Discontinued)
FanfictionSet in a world where Vampires and Humans live amongst each other... except one species is always trying to kill the other. In which Park Jimin - an adorable high school student from Seoul Korea - finds himself stuck living with the wrong group of va...