Chapter 6

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Imogen's POV

We played xbox for a good two hours before a question popped into my head.

"Hey, Marina?" I ask her while the guys played the game.

She looks over at me. "Yeah?"

"Where are we going to stay tonight?" I ask and watch as her eyes widen.

"Oh god, I don't know." She frowns.

"We may have to go home." I tell her and it makes her even more upset. We left our town on a road trip for a reason. We weren't just going to go back after one day.

"I have a guest room." Jack G states out of nowhere.

I glance at him. "Wait, what?"

He pauses the game and looks over at us. "Yeah, you two can stay here tonight if you want."

One look at Marina and I know her answer. "Um, sure. That sounds great." I tell him.

"I'll stay here too, if that's ok." Jack J informs him.

And with that, it's settled. Marina and I were sleeping in the same house as two guys we barely know. What could possibly go wrong?

A few hours later, I began to get tired. We had all just been sitting around talking and laughing and getting to know each other better.

Then Jack J's phone rang once again. I watch as he frowns and gets up, walking out of the room.

"Is he ok?" I ask Jack G.

Jack nods. "I think so."

"Ok, well I think I'm going to go to bed.." I inform the other two.

Jack nods and looks over at Marina, smiling. She glances at him and then says a little too fast, "Me too."

I giggle at her and we both leave the room and head to the guest bedroom.

"What was that about?" I ask her once we are far enough away from Jack G.

"Did you see that look he gave me?" She asks me.

I nod. "Yeah."

"What do you think it meant?" She looked paranoid.

"Calm down Marina." I laugh. "He probably likes you."

"That's not right." She states. "There's no way he likes me. We just met today and for the first hour or so, we hated each other's guts."

I had a hard time believing it when she put it that way, but the looks that Jack G had been shooting her all day told me otherwise. "I don't know." I finally tell her.

She sits down on the bed and I decide to give her time to think about it, so I excuse myself.

Heading to the bathroom, I pass the living room and hear a hushed voice. It was Jack J.

"I'm not sure if I can do this anymore, Alana." He says. I could barely make it out.

A few moments of silence pass and he speaks again. "This isn't something that I can just keep forgiving you for.."

As she replies, I hear him sigh. "Yeah and I love you too."

I felt so bad for him. This must be tough. I have never had to go through anything like that before, but I guess it's because I've never been in a very serious relationship. I don't really know what it feels like to be in love.

I hear him sigh again. Finally, he says, "Alright fine, one more chance. But if you mess up again, we are done."

I feel myself frown at that. He seriously cannot be forgiving her.

Once I hear him hang up, I was about to leave, but instead he says, "Imogen, what are you doing?"

My heart starts pounding because I've been caught. "Uh, I was heading to the bathroom.." I reply. It was partially true.

He doesn't say anything to that, so I head into the living room and sit down on the couch beside him.

"Why did you forgive her?" The question comes out of my mouth before I could think.

He shakes his head. "I don't want to lose her."

He takes a breath before continuing. "We've almost been together two years. I don't know what I'd do without her."

"But she can't keep hurting you like this.." I continue.

"Why does it matter to you?" He asks, looking over at me.

I look down at my hands, not daring to meet his eyes. "Because you're one of my friends now, and I care about my friends."

I watch as he gives me a small smile. "Thanks. But you really shouldn't worry about this. I'll handle it." He stands up, leaving the room and I worry that I've upset him even more. Breathing a sigh, I head back to the bedroom to find Marina on her phone.

"Where have you been?" She yells at me.

"Bathroom." I lie.

"You took long enough."

"Yeah, sorry." I sit down on the bed and lay back, slamming my head onto the pillow.

"So I need to ask you something." Marina continues talking, even though I want to sleep.

"What?" I ask anyway, just a little curious about it all.

"Would it be bad if I kinda maybe like Jack?"

"Jack G?" I ask, making sure.

She laughs. "Well, duh."

I shake my head, smiling. "No, Marina, that's great! You're finally over Caleb!"

And then she frowns. "Oh.. Yeah."

Why am I so stupid?

"I'm not sure yet." Marina continues. "I know Jack makes me smile a lot, and I also get really nervous around him."

"Those are signs that you have a crush." I tell her, giggling.

"But I don't know if I want to have a crush right now." Marina states.

And with that, we are both done talking and I find myself worrying about Marina too, as well as Jack J. They both need to move on from their bad relationships whether they like it or not.

-Author's Note-

So here's chapter 6! We are so excited to post the next few chapters because some HUGE things happen. Please stick around and thanks for all of the reads! :)

~Maya & Maya

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