Chapter 14

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Imogen's POV

I watch as Marina and Jack head over to her house and I can't help but smile. I'm glad everything worked out between them.

That's when I feel Sam's hand grab mine and he intertwines our fingers together. "So are we just sticking around your house?" He asks and I glance up at him.

"I guess so." We head inside and it's really quiet. Then I remember that my parents left on a business trip yesterday. They were always traveling due to their job. That's why I was glad to have someone like Marina living across the street. Because of her, I was never lonely.

"So my parents aren't here," I tell Sam, hoping he doesn't take that the wrong way. I finish what I was saying quickly, "and I guess we can order a pizza or something."

"That sounds good." He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his body and he pulls me close for a hug. "I'm glad I get to spend more time with you."

"Me too." I murmur. After a few more moments, he pulls back and I grab my phone, dialing the number I have memorized since I order pizza at least once a week.

After I ordered one large pepperoni pizza, I found Sam sitting on the couch on his phone. "Whatcha doing?" I ask and snuggle into his arm that was strung across the back of the couch.

"Texting Jack J." He replies.

"How is he?" I ask, curious.

"I don't know. He's been acting so weird.. Do you have any idea why?" Sam asks me, sounding a bit concerned for his friend.

Um yeah. He's having a huge relationship problem with Alana and might possibly have feelings for me too. But I don't say that. Instead, I lie. "I have no clue."

We sit there for a while in silence before Sam decides to speak up. "Can I know more about you?" He asks suddenly.

"Uh, yeah. What do you want to know?"

"Just everything. Your story." A small smile appears on his face.

"Alright.." I begin nervously. My life wasn't exactly pretty, but here goes. "So I've lived here in Fremont my entire life with my parents. At about age 4, Marina's family moved in across the street and we became the best of friends. My mom and dad have always traveled for their job, and to this day I'm still not sure what they do for a living, but I always spent my time either by myself or over at Marina's. I honestly think I've been over there with them more than I've been here with my own family." I feel myself look down and my voice gets caught in my throat. I've told this story at least a million times yet it still gets the best of my feelings. I continue, "sometimes I feel like Marina's family loves me more than my own."

I feel Sam's arms wrap around me reassuringly and he kisses the top of my head to show that he's there and he cares.

"I highly doubt that's true." He tells me, but I'm already upset. I honestly wasn't planning on this happening. Taking a deep breath, I shake it off and force a smile. "So what about you?"

He takes a moment to think before telling me the story of his life. He goes on about how he met Jack and Jack and how they became friends. He talks about his family and about his passion for basketball. Just sitting there listening to his voice calmed me and made me really happy.

Right as he finished, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," he tells me, pecking my lips before getting up. He leaves the biggest smile on my face.

After he gets the pizza, we head to the kitchen to grab some plates.

"I am so glad you're here right now." I tell him without thinking. "I'm so glad I have you."

He turns around to face me, his eyebrow raised.

"What?" I ask, worried I did something wrong.

"Last time I checked, we weren't officially dating." He tells me, making my face go as red as a tomato.

"Oh right. Sorry." I look away, embarrassed. He places a finger under my chin to tilt my head back up. Once again I was staring into his gorgeous eyes.

"You're so cute when you blush." He smirks and then presses his lips to mine. This kiss wasn't as intense as the first one we shared but it was still passionate and it left me breathless. "So, will you be mine?" He murmurs, our foreheads touching. I give him one last peck on the lips before replying.

"Of course."

After we finish our pizza, we go upstairs to my room and lay together on my bed, watching a movie. Except I wasn't aware of what movie we were watching because Sam kept distracting me with short kisses. He was being such a tease.

I glanced out my window and noticed it was getting dark outside. "What time are you and Jack planning on leaving?" I ask him, laying my head on his chest and playing with his hand that was connected to mine.

He groans. "Soon. But I don't want to go."

"I wish you could just stay here."

"Me too, babe." He sighs. "But unfortunately, I have school tomorrow. I hate how we live so far from each other."

After a few more minutes, I feel myself start to drift off to sleep, but I'm disturbed a few minutes later when Marina yells at us from downstairs.

"Noooo." I whine when he tries to get up. Instead of laying back down like I wanted him to, he pulls me up with him.

"Come on." He chuckles when he notices how tired I am.

Reluctantly, I follow him downstairs, holding onto his arm tightly. We meet Jack and Marina by the door. I watch as Marina and Jack begin to hug and then turn to Sam. He was giving me a sad smile. "See you this weekend?" He asks and I nod my head yes before wrapping my arms around him one last time and burying my head into his shoulder.

"I'll call you tomorrow." He whispers into my ear.

"Okay." I whisper back. He let's go of the embrace and cups my face with his hands, placing his lips on mine once more. His kisses never get old.

Finally, Marina and I watch as they walk outside and drive away. It was weird but I suddenly felt empty inside. As soon as they were gone, she turns to me and smiles.

"You and Sam are getting pretty serious." She laughs and makes my face get hot.

I ignore it. "How are things between you and Jack?"

"They worked out. I think everything is finally going to be ok." She replies.

"Good." Finally. No more Caleb drama.

"Hey, mom said you could stay over tonight if you wanted." Marina suddenly says, walking over to the door.

"Nah, I'll stay here. Thanks though."

"Are you sure?" She looks a little concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reassure her.

"Alright," she opens the door. "See you tomorrow!"

I wave and shut the door behind her, making my way upstairs and to my bedroom. I change into my pajamas and climb into bed to find that it still faintly smells of Sam. That just made me miss him even more though.

I lay back and cover up before shutting my eyes. Things were finally going good in my life thanks to Sam.

-Author's Note-

Sorry that was kind of a short chapter! The next one should be longer and it will get more interesting I promise. A lot of drama coming up!

Thank you for so many reads and votes it really means a lot! And always feel free to comment too :)

~ Maya & Maya

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