Chapter 16

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Imogen's POV

As I pull up into my driveway, I can't help but feel a little sad that I'm not doing anything with Sam tonight. It's not because he didn't want to, it's because he had plans with his family.

I got out of my car, slinging my bag on my shoulder and head inside, walking right past the figure on the couch. Wait, what?

My parents weren't supposed to be back until Sunday. I turn, ready to use any sort of self defense when I notice that it's Jack J.

"What the hell Jack!" I scream, not exactly happy about him breaking into my house. I didn't even think he knew where I lived!

He stands up. "I'm sorry but we-"

"Sorry doesn't mean you can just barge into my house whenever!" I complain. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

He puts his hands up in defense. "Where else was I supposed to go? I really need to talk to you."

"What could possibly be so important?" I ask, my heart still racing. I start heading upstairs and he follows me, staying quiet.

When I reach my room, he stops and leans on the door frame, still not saying a word.

I raise an eyebrow, setting down my things and then taking a seat on my bed. "Soo..?"

He runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. "So."

I groan. "Ok what is up with you? Why have you been such a jerk lately around me?"

He looks taken back. "Well.. That's what I was wanting to talk to you about."

"Oh really?"

He nods. "Uh.. Yeah. Sorry I've been a jerk."

"You came all the way to Fremont just to say sorry?" I question, getting a little impatient.

He shakes his head and walks over to join me on the bed. "Not exactly."

"Well come on then, spit it out."

He takes another deep breath. "I uh.. I broke up with Alana this week."

What? This could not be happening! "Why?" I ask, flustered.

He shrugs. "You know just as well as me that she was no good for me. She cheated on me at least three times and I kept forgiving her, yet each time we grew further and further apart. So I finally just gave up on her.. Plus, I kinda like someone else."

Oh god I knew it. This was not good.

I didn't know how to reply to that, but thankfully he continued. "Things with Alana have not been the same since that last time she cheated. And then I met you and you really made me happy at times. I found myself liking you more and more every minute we spent together." I wanted him to stop so bad. I couldn't handle this, I'm already with Sam.

"But then you and Sam got really close, and you seem so happy with him.. I just don't know what to do, Im." He lets his face fall in his hands. I am surprised that he called me Im though. No one's called me that in years.

"It's too late for anything now." He whispers and I'm heartbroken.

I take a deep breath, feeling really nervous. "Maybe not."

He looks up at me again and we are just sitting there, staring at each other. Then he leans forward, and out of nowhere, connects our lips together. I am shocked, but I still kiss him back. Our lips moving together, his arms snake behind me to the small of my back and pulls me over on top of him.

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