Chapter 10

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While Marina and Jack G were out doing who knows what, I was stuck with Sam and Jack J. We were waiting for them to return so Marina could take her turn.

I sat beside Sam and looked across the table at Jack J. He was glancing down at his phone, a smug look on his face.

"So how long are you staying in Omaha?" Sam asks me, trying to break the silence.

"I think Marina and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon. We have school Monday." I tell him.

"So you're just staying at Jack's house the entire weekend?"

I look over at Jack J, who's nodding. "Yeah, they are."

Sam whispers something and it bothers me because I didn't hear it, but I don't question it. His leg casually touches mine and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I look back over at him and he's giving me an adorable grin. "So, are you going to come back and visit us again?"

"I would like to. I've had more fun this weekend than I thought I would." I might have even more fun if Jack wasn't acting the way he was, but I didn't say that part out loud. I notice Sam kept staring at me so I stared back, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"I've had a lot of fun too." He tells me.

We continue to stare at each other until Jack clears his throat and makes reality hit me again. I feel my face get hot and look down, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I steal a glance at Jack, feeling extremely awkward. He's already staring at me like I've done something wrong. He rolls his eyes and looks back down at his phone. Ok, what is his problem?

About that time, Marina and Jack G return, hand in hand. I feel a huge smile form on my face, glad she's actually moving on from Caleb.

"Well, what's going on here?" Sam questions them.

Jack G sits down, pulling Marina into the chair beside him. I hear her giggle.

"Nothing." Jack G laughs nervously.

"Nothing?" Sam asks, raising an eyebrow. "You were totally making out weren't you."

Immediately, Marina's smile fades. "No." She argues. "I wouldn't do that." I figured she was telling the truth. She would be acting completely different if they actually did kiss.

After that, everyone began to have a good time.. Except for Jack J. Even if Sam cracked a joke, Jack would be the only one that didn't laugh.

After 30 more minutes of playing, we all agreed that bowling was getting old. So instead of finishing the game, we left and headed to the park that was across the street.

We walked around for a while and I noticed that Jack and Marina were kind of off to the side, doing their own separate thing. Their hands were intertwined and I couldn't stop smiling at the way she kept glancing up at him. They were too cute.

Since Jack G and Marina were focused on each other, it was just me, Sam and Jack J again. Jack J was starting to cheer up a little more.

After a few more minutes of walking, we came up to a snow cone shack. "Ooh I love snow cones!" I exclaim, getting excited.

"Really?" Sam asks, his eyes shining.

I nod, feeling a little childish all of a sudden. I reach for my wallet in my pocket when I feel a hand touch mine to stop me. Glancing up, I realize it's Sam. "What flavor do you want?"

I am shocked that he wants to buy me a snow cone. "No, no, no." I tell him, realizing his hand was still on mine.

But he just asks me again, and I decide that I don't want to start any drama over a snow cone, so I tell him black cherry. He smiles and walks up to the shack, finally letting go of my hand.

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