Chapter 13

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Marina's POV

When I get back from Imogen's, I go to my room and lie down, thinking about everything that's happened.

I keep telling myself that I still love Caleb, and I thought it still might be true.. But that's only because we were together for a really long time. I thought we would be together forever and I had my heart set on it. But at the same time, I can't lose Jack. Everything just feels right with Jack, and kissing Caleb definitely proved my point. It felt wrong and forced. I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself after it happened. I still feel horrible about it.

I think back to the phone call I had with Jack earlier, and his response.

"I talked to Caleb" I told him as soon as he picked up.

"How'd that go?" He asked, as if he was expecting good news. He was in for a shock.

"We kissed." I blurted, wanting to get it over with. I couldn't take it anymore.


"Jack?" I asked, frightened for my life. I screwed everything up already.

No answer. I check my phone to see if he's still there, and sure enough, he is.

"Jack. I felt really bad after it happened okay? It was wrong. I just called Caleb and ended everything with him, for good this time. It's not going to happen again, and I will never talk to him again, I can promise you that." I plead. I didn't want him to be angry with me.

After another long silence, I heard a faint "I trust you" from Jack, and then he told me he had to go and he'd talk to me later.

Even though he had taken it a lot better than I expected, I couldn't help but still worry. How would everything be from now on? Would it be the same, or would everything change?

I stayed up all night, not being able to sleep, stressed. I didn't receive a single text from Jack, which bothered me. I could only hope that everything would turn out ok.

School the next morning was quite awful. I didn't even attempt to do anything with myself, wearing no makeup, sweatpants and putting my hair in a messy bun.

Imogen told me all day that everything was going to be okay and that I needed to stop worrying about it. But I was convinced otherwise. Jack didn't seem too happy yesterday and it's too early to screw anything up.

After school was finally over, I made my way to Imogen's car.

"We're going to go get some ice cream." She tells me.

"Why? Why can't we just go home?" I ask getting slightly aggravated. I just wanted to go home and sleep my problems away. I'm pretty sure she was aware of it too.

"You deserve it Marina. You've had a rough day. We all deserve ice cream on days like this." She defends herself. She's partially right. Ice cream does sound nice right now.

I nod my head in agreement and pull out my phone. Still no texts from Jack. I have truly messed up. I sigh and just stare out the window until we arrive at Dairy Queen.

I get out of the car and order a dilly bar, Imogen doing the same. We sit down, both of us quiet for a few minutes until Imogen breaks the silence.

"Heard from Jack at all today?"

"Nope." I state. It's not really the time to talk about this.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Marina." She assures me again.

"You don't know that." I snap. "I'm tired of hearing that. I've heard that all day."

Imogen just sighs as she finishes her dilly bar. "If only you knew." She mutters and I'm confused but I ignore it. She gets a text and I watch her face light up. It's probably Sam.

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