Chapter 7

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Marina's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, confused until I remember where I was and why I was here. I began to regret some things. Why exactly did Imogen and I stay at this guy's house? We've only known him for a day.

I get out of bed, leaving Imogen in there because I don't want to be the one to wake her up from her beauty sleep.

Walking into what I remember being the kitchen, I find a very shirtless Jack G making himself a bowl of cereal, and let me just say he had the best abs.

I freeze, not knowing what to do or what to even say.

"Goodmorning!" Jack says enthusiastically, snapping me out of my trance.

"Morning.." I reply, taking a seat next to where he was sitting and trying not to stare.

"How did you sleep?" He asks, not phased at all. It's almost like he wants me to stare.

"F-fine." I stutter. Really Marina, really? "How about you?"

"I slept great." He smiles, taking a bite of his cereal. He could not get any hotter.

"Good." I say extending my hands on the table, just looking at them so I didn't have to face Jack anymore. I didn't know what else to say either.

He looks at me for a moment. "You can make yourself some breakfast. I have some cereal, eggs, pan-"

"It's okay I don't eat breakfast." I cut him off, still not daring to look at him.

"Oh okay then," he says.

I feel my phone vibrating and get really confused for a minute. It's like 10am.. Why is anyone calling me?

I look at the caller ID and see it's Caleb. I feel my eyes widen. Is he really calling me? This could not be happening..

Part of me wanted to let it ring and never have to deal with that jerk ever again, but the other half of me still loved him. I hated the fact that I wanted to hear his voice again. So, I press the answer key and get up, walking towards the door of the kitchen. I felt like this conversation isn't one I should have around Jack.

"Marina." Caleb answers immediately after pick up. "I miss you."

My eyes start to water. I can not deal with this. "Okay." I glance over at Jack G who is suddenly worried about what is going on.

"Where were you yesterday?" Caleb continues over the phone. "I went to your house to apologize, and your mom said you left."

"I've been at my friend Jack's house." I honestly reply. Maybe if I mention another guy, he will leave me alone.

"Jack?" He questions. I think this might actually work.

"Yeah. Jack." I respond, trying very hard to keep my cool.

"So what I'm getting from this is that Jack's your boyfriend. You're at his house and you're over me." He states, sounding shocked.

"He's not my boyfriend." I tell him quietly.

That brightens his mood. "That's good. So when will you be coming home? I want to see you again."

I feel myself frowning. What am I going to say? I still love Caleb, no doubt about it. But, he can't know that. I can't get caught back up with him.

"Marina?" Caleb asks. "Baby, are you ok?"

"Don't call me that, I'm not your baby." I tell him, getting a little angry now.

"Don't you think we can just forget about our past and start again?" He pleads. I can hear his voice straining and I don't know if I've ever heard him so upset.

But I can't give in this easily. "Caleb, you really hurt me." I tell him, tears clouding my eyes once again.

"I know. And I am so sorry, Marina. But I promise you, I have changed."

I almost laugh at that.

"Yeah, I really doubt it." I reply.

"No, I'm serious." He continues. "When you come home, I'll prove it to you."

I was going to say something smart and sassy, but I felt my voice get caught in my throat and then tears finally fall from my eyes and down my face.

"How about it?" He finally asks.

I wipe my eyes. "Ok. I'll be back tomorrow evening," I tell him and hang up. I wipe my eyes again, hoping I don't look too bad, before sitting beside Jack again at the table. I put my head in my hands when I take a look at him and realize that he heard everything. It takes just about everything in me not to start crying again.

Everything comes to a stop when I feel a hand rubbing my back. I look up to see Jack G looking down at me, sadness in his eyes.

"Come here," he says opening his arms. I hesitate a bit, but then decide to accept his hug.

"It'll be okay." He says, soothingly.

I lay my head on his chest "No it won't." I sigh. "This is just the start. He'll end up being like one of those obsessive ex-boyfriends from TV." I chuckle a little.

"Well, do you blame him? You're stunning and pretty sassy. Any guy's dream girl." He shoots me a smile.

I look down to hide the blush creeping on my cheeks "I'm not too sure about the stunning thing."

"I am." I feel his hand touch my chin and push it up so I'm staring into his eyes again. I am shocked, but I can't seem to find a stop to all the butterflies in my stomach.

Jack's hands find their way right above my jawline as he starts to lean down.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. He's gonna kiss me.

I'm surprised to find myself leaning in towards his lips. My eyes flutter shut and Jack's lips get closer and closer to the point where I can feel his breath on my lips.

"GOOD MORNING WORLD!" I hear Jack J say and I immediately throw myself backwards, away from Jack G. I fall on the floor on my butt.

I look up to see Jack G just as shocked as I am.

"Well, that happened," Jack J says when he realizes what almost happened. He looks down at me, slightly confused, and tries to break the awkward tension in the air. "How's the weather down there Marina?"

"Just dandy." I roll my eyes, getting up off the floor. I try my best to avoid all eye contact with either of the Jack's while I run into the guest room to get Imogen.

"Imogen, you have to wake up. NOW!" I yell, once I open the door.

"Okay, okay. I'm up!" She says after a few seconds. "What's the rush?"

"The rush? Um nothing, you should just wake up it's almost 10:30." I smile, calming down a bit from the previous events.

She narrows her eyes and I know she can tell I'm lying.

We walk into the kitchen and Imogen looks taken back. "You could've warned me that they were shirtless," she whispers frantically.

"Oh sorry, it didn't cross my mind." I lie.

"Sure it didn't." She rolls her eyes.

"Oh hey Imogen!" Jack J yells. "It's about time you woke up!"

She laughs and sits down at the chair I was just sitting in beside Jack G. "Sorry, I was exhausted."

I find myself looking over at Jack G again. I can't believe we almost kissed! To make matters worse, I also might've led Caleb to think that I want to get back together.

I realize that I need to focus and decide what I'm going to do. Obviously Jack G has feelings for me, and I'm starting to get feelings for him too. But at the same time, I still love Caleb even after what he's done to me.

I sigh, sitting down next to Imogen. What am I going to do?

*Author's Note*

We believe this is the last update for this week?? Not sure if there's going to be another one but it's possible! We're actually very ahead of ourselves and this chapter is only the start of the greatness! :)
~Maya & Maya ♡

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