Chapter 9

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Marina's POV

It took us about 7 minutes to get to the bowling alley and I can honestly say I'm so glad those 7 minutes are over. I tried so hard not to be awkward in the car since I was up front with Jack G and that happened this morning. So you could say it was pretty relieving to get out of that car.

When we walk in I grab Imogen's arm and pull her to the side a bit while we're still walking.

"I need to talk to you.." I say desperately.

"Okay let me do something" she replies then speaks a little louder, "hey we're gonna get our shoes and get them to start up a lane, why don't you guys pick one and save it for us? What's your shoe sizes?"

The boys ramble off their shoe sizes and we go up to the shoe rental, where Imogen tells the man what sizes we need and which lane we plan on playing in. When the man sets up the lane, he goes and gets the shoes, telling us it'll be a few minutes.

"Okay shoot." She says glancing at me.

"I like Jack." I start, Imogen nods her head. "But I'm scared and I don't know what exactly I'm scared of but it's scaring me okay."

"You're afraid to fall for someone again, you think you still have all these feelings for Caleb, and you're afraid to like someone, anyone who isn't him." She tells me, and I feel like she's 100 percent correct.

"I think you're right." I pause. "What do I do?"

"Just do what you feel you should do. Go with the flow." She smiles.

The man comes back with our shoes.

"Thank you!!" I chirp, taking the shoes. I've got this.

When we get to the boys I get all nervous again. Maybe I don't have this.

I try setting the shoes on the floor but they all fly out of my arms. Great.

"Leave it to me." I mumble, grabbing my shoes and sitting in a chair to put them on. I see someone sit in the chair beside me and I already know it's Jack. I decide on just acting like he's not there.

When I'm done putting my shoes on I get up, not even bothering to look down at Jack and go put all our names in the bowling monitor. I put mine first so I can hurry up and get it over with.

I grab one of the lightest balls and roll it down the lane, I hit like 6 pins, and then 3 on my next roll. Better than I expected. I'm not too good at bowling.

I sit down in my seat waiting for everyone else to do their turn so I can go again, but I can't help but notice Imogen and Sam flirting with each other while Jack and Jack are standing around, Jack J glancing at Sam and Imogen almost as if he's... jealous?

I brush it off and watch as Jack G walks up to the ball return and grabs one of the balls, his arm flexing as he pulls it up to him, aiming out his roll. He looks pretty hot if I'm honest, but I'm gonna keep that to myself. He rolls a strike and I'm pretty impressed.

When he turns around, he glances at me which causes me to immediately look down at my phone. We've been here for like 10 minutes so far. This is gonna be a long night.

I get up for my 4th set of rolls and roll the ball both times, not even bothering to notice the number of pins I hit, because I didn't really care at this point. I look over at Imogen and she frowns at me for a second, but her frown turns into a smile when Sam nudges her with his elbow and says something. Well aren't they cute.

I seem to be the only one not having a great time so instead of being a Debby Downer, I get up and go to the concession stand and get myself something to drink.

I'm there for maybe 2 minutes when someone taps me on the shoulder and I swear, I jump 5 feet in the air. I hear a chuckle and I know immediately it's coming from Jack G.

"It's your turn." He smiles.

"Okay" I say quietly walking towards the lane.

I roll the ball I grabbed, not caring and roll a strike. I feel myself smiling. Huh, not too shabby after all.

Leaving again, I go to the restroom to check my makeup and hair. My makeups smeared a little and my hairs a little frizzy, so I quickly fix that mishap and leave the restroom.

When I walk out I find Jack standing against the wall across the bathroom, when he sees me his eyes light up and he makes his way towards me.

"I feel like we need to talk." He says, eyes meeting mine.

"Okay, but let's get away from the bathrooms first?" I offer, leading him towards the front doors.

"We need to talk about this morning, or at least I do. After you go-"

"I know what you're talking about, no need to finish." I cut in, not really wanting to hear him bring up my phone call this morning.

"Well what i really want to know is if you can reciprocate the feelings I kinda have for you." He admits

"I- uh- what?" I stutter, no words truly making their way out of my mouth.

"I like you Marina, if it isn't the most obvious thing in the world." he blushes. "I've only known you for what? 2 days? and I really want to get to know you even better."

I blush. This is happening. If I die today, it's been real.

"Jack, I like you too, but I'm scared." I admit, words finally leaving my mouth.

"Look I know you've got problems right now with that Caleb guy but-"

"Jack, you don't understand, it's not eas-" I begin to confess

"Then help me understand." he says tilting my chin up for the second time today, looking into my eyes. "I want to help you and you've got to let me."

When he says this I feel like I shouldn't hold back anymore. I look at his lips, then look back at his eyes, this repeats a few times until his hands find their way to my hips and he starts leaning in. I move my hands and put them behind his neck, almost pulling him down towards me. When his lips just barely graze mine, I know in that moment, nobody could stop us from doing this if they tried.

Finally the wait was over as his lips attached to mine. Our lips moved lightly and slowly together, as this was our first kiss with one another. I couldn't help but smile into this kiss, Jack smiling as well. I pulled away and pecked his lips once. We just stood there smiling, this all seemed mind blowing. If you would've told me yesterday that this was going to happen, I probably would've thought you were insane.

Everything felt right. Like this was how it was supposed to be.

I felt Jack's hand grab mine and he intertwined our fingers, I looked up and smiled, because that's all I felt like I could do.

When we made our way back to the lane, I looked at Imogen and saw her look at Jack and I's hands and back up to me. The smile on her face so big, I'm pretty sure mine even widened. If it were even possible.

-Author's Note-

Alrightt! Chapter 9 is up! Everything is starting to happen now :) can't wait to post the next couple of chapters because they will just keep getting better and better.

Thanks for the reads and the votes too! You guys are great!!

~Maya & Maya

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