Chapter 5

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Marina's POV

After watching Jack J and Imogen play basketball for a little while, I stand up, thinking about taking a walk.

"Woah, where are you going?" Jack G asks me.

"I'm taking a walk. I'm tired of sitting around." I tell him, meeting his eyes.

"Not without me you're not."

"Why must I go with you? I'm not a little kid, I won't get lost." I say defending myself.

"You act like one." He mumbles.

"Excuse me?" I yell, getting aggravated. "We just made up! Now you're going to start with me again?"

He just starts laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Is there something on my face?" I ask, confused.

"No, you get mad so easily, it's cute," he chuckles.

Oh my god. I turn beat red for the hundredth time today.

I look down so Jack doesn't see me.

"You blush pretty easily too." He chuckled yet again.

"Can you not." I utter in complete embarrassment.

He takes a step closer to me, making my head shoot up. Immediately, my eyes land on his gorgeous brown ones and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

He smiles and I feel myself smile too. Why did he have this effect on me? I just met him today!

"I need to tell you something.." He tells me, his voice quiet.

I don't move, continuing to stare into his eyes and wonder what he could possibly have to say to me.

"I-" he starts, but is cut off by Jack J yelling at him.

"We need to go!"

Almost instantly, we look away from each other, embarrassed.

"Ok." Jack looks down, probably upset that he couldn't tell me whatever he was needing to tell me.

I was upset too. I may never know now.

We get back to the gas station just as the locksmith was arriving. I jump out of the car with Imogen and rush over to her car. We watch as they open her door for her. I didn't even notice until after they left that Jack G was standing next to me, pretty close too.

Imogen grabs the spare keys and smiles, although it didn't look like a very genuine smile. "I guess we can continue that road trip now."

I feel myself frown. "Yeah, I guess so."

I turn to face the guys and found that they looked upset too.

"It's weird." Imogen states, walking up to my side. "We only met you 3 hours ago, but I don't want to say goodbye."

I nod. "I don't either."

"So... Why don't you stay here for the rest of the weekend?" Jack G suggests, making Jack J's eyes light up.

"Yeah!" He agrees.

I shrug, looking at Imogen. She does the same.

"I mean, we never actually had a place in mind." She tells them.

"Great! So it's settled." Jack J exclaims.

"So we're heading back to yours?" I ask, turning to look at Jack G.

"I guess so." He says, making me smile. Maybe this weekend wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"Let's go!" Imogen says a little to enthusiastic, causing all of us to erupt in laughter.

I get into the car with Imogen and the Jacks get in whoevers car they have.

"So you and Jack, huh?" She questions, raising her eyebrow.

"So you and Jack, huh?" I mock her. She giggles.

"Ooh what was that giggle for?" I question, curious.

"Nothing." She can't stop smiling.

"Obviously it's something." I pry. "Come on, just tell me!"

"No, cause you'll think I'm crazy!" She yells.

"Try me." I reply.

She sighs and I know I've won. "Fine, I'll tell you." She giggles again. "I kind of like Jack."

I breathe out a sarcastic gasp. "Really? I didn't know."

She stops giggling. "Wait, is it obvious?"

"To me.. But I don't really know how guys think, so who knows."

"Anyway.." She continues. "What about you and Jack G?"

I stop cold. What about me and Jack G? Do I like him? Honestly, I'm afraid to. I'm afraid to get my heart broken. I don't want to fall for the wrong person yet again. So I choose not to answer that, because I honestly don't know. Luckily, she doesn't bring it up again.

The rest of the car ride is nearly silent, it wasn't very long either.

We pull into Jack's driveway shortly after him and Jack J do. When we get out of the car, the jacks have a 'great idea'.

"We should play xbox!!" They exclaim at the same time.

"No, no, no, I don't do xbox. Not anymore." I say, this ruining my mood.

"Why not?" Jack J asks.

"Oh no big reason. Just don't do it." I lie.

Jack nods his head, almost as if he can see through my lies.

Imogen pulls me aside for a moment, where the guys can't hear us.

"You need to get over that Marina. You and Caleb broke up a long time ago." She hissed.

"it's not always eas-" I start to say.

"You're playing xbox, Marina. It's pathetic that you're making a huge deal out of it." She says interrupting me.

"Okay." I agree walking back to the Jacks.

"Everything okay?" Jack G asks.

"Just peachy." I fake a smile.

"We're in. About playing xbox." Imogen says to them.

"Yeah?" Jack questions looking at me.

I simply nod my head.

We all walk in and Jack G not only informs Jack and Imogen but also informs me that me and him are going to get drinks and snacks.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks as we walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I mean I wasn't but I'm okay now." I assure him.

"Okay good." He smiles, making me smile too.

We go into his room, joining Jack J and Imogen and we all play xbox. My thoughts of Caleb have slowly left my mind.

*Authors Note*
and we finally upload chapter 5!! Hope you guys are enjoying this :)
~maya & maya

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