Chapter 1- Postivity

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Hold, hold on, hold on to me, cause I'm a little unsteady...

A little unsteady...

Marinette awoke to the sound of her alarm for school. She turned it off, and got ready for the day.
"Morning Mari!" Tiki, Marinettes kwami chirped.
"Morning Tiki, are you ready for today?"
"Of course! We have a very busy day today don't we?"
"Yup! Starting with school, then an interview with Alya, then a grand surprise opening with the mayor!"
"Better get going, don't want to be late again do you Mari?" Tiki giggled. Marinette picked up her school bag and started the 10 minute walk to her school. Upon her arrival, she bumps into her best friend Alya.
"Hey gurl!! I can not waiiitt for school to be over!" Alya fangirled, as she got to talk to her idol again. Marinette laughed and agreed, and the girls went to class. They sat behind Alyas boyfriend, Nino, and Marinettes 'Boyfriend-to-be', Adrien. Marinette has a massive crush on Adrien, but he's a little too naive to notice it, and she's too scared to tell him. So at the moment, they're just friends.
"Alright, settle down class" The school art teacher said. "Today, I'm setting a group project."
Marinette and Alya immediately looked at eachother and smiled. Whenever there was a project, they always worked together.
"However, I will be setting the groups, due to the unfairness of last time with Chloe and Sabrina." She explained.
Everyone then slumped in their chairs, and thought about how unfair it was that they had to be punished because Chloe's Chloe.
"Kim, Ivan you will work together. Rose and Sabrina, Alya and Adrien..."
"So lucky!" Marinette whispered to her bestie, completely zoning out the teacher. Alya smiled at her.
"And lastly, Marinette and Chloe."
"WHAT!?" Chloe and Marinette said in unison.
"So unlucky" Alya laughed.
"Alya please help me out here" Marinette begged.
"And have to deal with the she-devil? No thanks gurl, but don't worry, I promise to mention you at every moment I can."
"Aw you're the best Alya!" Marinette smiled and hugged her friend.
"I know, better go to Adrien, see ya girl."
"Bye Alya!"
Chloe then approached Marinette, in an annoyed manner.
"So when are we meeting up? I know you won't let me not help you" Chloe snapped.
"After school today, my place, no arguments. Bye now" Marinette said bluntly. She then shooed off the annoying snob. Tutting, Chloe stormed off.
'Trust Miss to put me with the worst person on this planet, what a bother' Marinette thought sighing, she decided she'd head to the library to study now, because she knew she wouldn't be able to when she got home. Tiki flew out of Marinettes bag in hopes to make her feel better about her situation.
"At least she's going to help!" Tiki comforted.
"Yea I know, I just wish I wasn't with her in the first place," Marinette sighed. "Oh well tiki"
Their conversation was interrupted by screaming.
"An akuma! Quick Mari!" Tiki exclaimed, and Marinette hid behind a book case before transforming into Paris' Hero, Ladybug.
"Tiki, spots on!" Marinette chimed, and her skin tight suit began to form around her. Marinette, now ladybug, ran to the origin of the scream, and there she sees a villain dressed in leafy attire, causing havoc with her leaves and winds.
"What the-" Ladybug says confused.
"Ah Ladybug, you're finally here. I am Tree Hugger, and this city will be punished for cutting down trees for their selfish ways! But first, I'll need your miraculous." Tree hugger then began to charge at ladybug, while she was trying to find out where her akuma was.
"ITS IN HER RING M'LADY!" Chat yelled, as he had arrived on the scene.
'How the hell could he have known that? Oh well, it's all I've got going for me right now,' Ladybug swung out of the way of Tree hugger, then signaled for Chat Noir.
"Distract her while I get Lucky Charm!" She whisper yelled. Chat nodded and Ladybug used her special power.
What appeared was a spotted chair.
"What on earth am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug sighed, and looked around using her creative eyes. It looked like she'd need chats belt-tail, and the akumatised victim.
Okay. Ladybug thought and then called for Chat to lead Tree hugger onto the chair. He did just that, whilst Ladybug stole his belt, and wrapped it around tree hugger.
"W-wha... NO!" Tree hugger exclaimed, struggling.
"I understand you want to bring awareness to the environment, but becoming a villain is no way to do it." Ladybug said, taking her ring off of her finger.
"Chat, if you would,"
"CATACLYSM!" Chat yelled, breaking the ring. Out came the akuma, and it started to fly away.
"Oh no you don't, come here little akuma" Ladybug said, wrapping her yoyo around it in the process.
"Time to de-evilise!"
"Gotcha!" Ladybug then released the newly cleansed butterfly.
"Bye bye little butterfly" she said smiling, and released the brunette from the chair.
"W-what happened..?" The girl said, having no idea that she was akumatised.
"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir said, just as their miraculous' beeped.
"Well cya Chat!"
"Ladybug wait-" Chat then grabbed a hold of Ladybugs wrist. "Please M'lady, it'll stay just between us, you can trust me"
"I'm sorry Chat, but as I've said before, it's best we don't know." Ladybug then freed herself from chat noirs grasp, and hid behind a building before de-transforming. Now Marinette once again, she gave her little red kwami a cookie before heading back home, waiting for Chloe.
Marinette sighed. "I am really not looking forward to this Tiki, it just screams trouble" She moaned.
"Come on Mari, it's just for one evening! I'm sure you can handle it!" Tiki cheered, as she nibbled on her cookie.
"I suppose you're right Tiki"

Unsteady| An Akumatised Marinette FanficWhere stories live. Discover now