Chapter 5- Gone

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(A/N: WARNING! This chapter and the chapters beyond this get incredibly dark, there will be suggestions of depression, and things related. If you are sensitive or cringe at gore, please do not read on, thanks for reading this far ^^)

Marinette has officially reverted back to herself, and raced down to the bottom of the tower. As she was no longer Akumatised, and no longer had her kwami to change her into a hero, the only option she had of saving her beloved Adrien/ her best friend and partner Chat Noir, was to try to catch him before he fell.
This idea was beyond flawed, as he was falling at a faster rate than she could ever run, but she had to try.
She had to do something, this was all her fault.
She was 3/4 of the way down, when she heard a yell from the boy she had grown to love so dearly.
"Marinette!! I want you to know that I don't blame you for this! Please don't blame yourself either." His voice was cracked, and filled with fear. His sudden outburst didn't stop Marinette from running, she was fuelled with adrenaline, speeding her way down to try to help Adrien. "And Mari, I want you to know I found out the other day that you were Ladybug, and I'm so sorry I did. But I want you to know I love you so much and-"
No, nononononononononononononononono
No!! No Adrien don't you dare
Marinette, sobbing her heart out, had made it down to the bottom of the tower and the first thing she laid eyes on was the perky young blonde on the ground, surrounded by a puddle of blood.
Adrien was on the floor, and he was coated in blood.
There's so much
So much blood.
Marinettes adrenaline had officially ran out as she was in complete shock, and had froze a few meters away from the fresh corpse.
This was all her fault.
If only she had told Adrien her feelings, if only she'd shown her true identity to chat, if only she'd taken down those stupid photos, if only she'd ignored the class, if only she'd never met Chloe. If only she'd not been so damn sensitive.
If only
If only she'd never existed.
If she'd never existed, Adrien would still be here. He would be happy. She would have never burdened him. The whole class would be fine, maybe Chloe would even be a nice person.
This was all her fault
This was all her fault
The blue haired 14 year old sank to the ground, a tsunami of emotions drowning her thoughts.
She was completely and utterly,

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