Chapter 6- Shock And Denial

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If you love me, don't let go

Marinettes body finally gave her the ability to run to the emerald eyed cat boy. She sprant with all her might, and held him gently in her arms.
"Adrien! Adrien!!! Adrien please, please please don't leave me.. I'm so so sorry Adrien I love you too! Please.. please.." Her voice was cracked and dry, as she sobbed. He head was pounding, and her throat hurt from all the crying, but she didn't care. All she cared about is that the person she considered a soulmate was now dead, and he'd never be coming back. She screamed and hugged him tight, afraid to let go.
This wasn't real.
This was just a bad dream. It had to be! She just had to wake up and she'd see Adrien at school and Chat during akuma fights just like always!
This wasn't real, this wasn't real...
This can't be real...
Come on Marinette, wake up! Wake up!
Marinette hit her head repeatedly in an attempt to wake herself up from the supposed 'bad dream' she claimed to be in. She tried all she could, she pinched herself, she hit herself consistently, but nothing worked.
She couldn't wake up.

(A/N: I know these chapters are short and shitty I'm sorry!! It's for effect. And yea there will be upload spam, I'm hopefully going to upload 5 chapters today, between 14-18 pages altogether (so like 2-3 pages long) so that'll make up for it right? Ha.. yea y'all probably hate me for killing Adrien right now anyway 😅 I'm sorryyyyy but I hope you're enjoying my stories! I did warn ya this would be a dark one)

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