Chapter 9- Depression, Reflection, Lonliness...

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Marinettes alarmed beeped loudly the next morning. She punched it to keep it quiet. She didn't have the energy to do anything today. She couldn't even move. So she just layed in her bed, staring at the ceiling.
Memories of the day before slowly flowed into her head. She began to feel bad, for shouting at her friends like that, but she wasn't going to apologise. No one seemed to care that Adrien was gone. Deep down she knew she wasn't the only one mourning him, but even his father was continuing his work. His son is literally dead, how the hell can he do that!? Well, he didn't seem to show much of an interest in Adrien, anyway. Marinette sat up, finally getting the energy to move to the compartment in her floor, that allowed her downstairs. She wasn't going down there though, but overheard a strange voice talking to her parents. It was saying how she seemed to be showing all the 'signs of grief recovery' and how she should be okay soon. That was bullshit, Marinette knew she would never recover from this. She couldn't even remember how it felt to smile, or how it felt to feel anything other than sadness and anguish. She got up and just headed back to her bed, and huddled herself up into a ball. She cried softly, remembering her crush. His smile, his cute little facial features, his emerald-green eyes and light blonde hair.. how she ached for him. If only things played out differently that day....

Marinette then began to think clearly what had happened, and thought about how she could've prevented all of it. It pained her, her stupidity at the time was blatant, and she hated herself for not thinking logically like the supposed 'hero' she was. Heroes wouldn't be acting like this, either. People did think quite highly of the title, hero. It's like they weren't allowed to be human. Or make mistakes. To be honest, if they did, it would cost greatly.
And it did cost greatly, as Marinette had lost her other half.
She was nothing without Adrien, she felt so empty, so lonely. She longed for his cute little laugh, or one of his alter egos 'smooth' pick up lines or puns. Mari was so upset and sad, she just wanted the feeling to go away, she wanted Adrien, she wanted to stop feeling so shitty.

And then, she thought of a way to get what she wanted. No, what she needed.

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