Chapter 4- Tiki

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(A/N: I'm so sorry this chapters so short!! I'm also very sorry for not updating, please forgive me! Also don't kill me pls XD and Happy New Year!)

Tiki was well aware of the situation that had been occurring through the day, and prepared herself for the much needed sacrifice. Of course she was terrified of the cataclysm, as she had felt it's fury once before, and it was beyond painful for her. But she knew it was the only way to save her beloved owner, Marinette. So she also headed for the Eiffel Tower, to chat noir. She wasn't sure if he knew he had to kill her, but she knew it'd make things easier for him if she just went along.

At the Eiffel Tower, Chat was face to face with Marionette, who had just arrived a few moments ago.
"Alright, give me your miraculous kitty." She smiled in triumph.
"Sorry, M'Lady, I cannot do that." He sighed, and quickly noticed Tiki heading over to the Eiffel Tower. A wave of sympathy hit over the Cat Hero, as he knew she knew what was going to happen to her, and felt awful that she'd have to go through that. Marionette was glaring at Chat Noir at this point, as she had been lied to. Chat jumped over her, ignoring her for the moment, and waited for Tiki to arrive.
Yup, he knows Tiki thought to herself, sighing. She reached the Eiffel Tower and greeted Chat, introducing herself. "And don't worry, I'll be okay, I'm aware of what I have to do." She smiled at the boy realising he felt awful for what he was about to do. Both the kwami and the hero forgot all about Akumatised Mari for that second. Chat introduced himself, told her who he really was, and apologised for what he had to do to her. She smiled and nodded, and asked him to do it quickly, so he could save Marinette.
"...Cataclysm.." Chat prepared his power, and then grabbed a hold of Tiki. She screamed in pain as tears rolled down her red face. She then began to disappear into dust. Chat felt horrible for what he had done. Marionette stood and watched in horror, memories of being Ladybug flowing back into her, and rage still filled her veins as she wasn't fully removed of her akuma just yet. She needed to get revenge for the poor sweet little ladybug kwami that had grown to be her closest friend. Tiki didn't deserve that! Marionette then began to attack Chat, and he wasn't expecting it. She pushed him, screaming at him while tears began to form in her sapphire eyes. Chat felt remorseful, as Marionette pushed him again, still lecturing him and questioning his actions..

Chats feet slid off the edge of the tower.

He began to detranform as well, as his time had run out from using cataclysm.

Marionette fully reverted back to Marinette, the akuma disappearing in the sky.

She screamed and went to catch him, but it was too late.

He had already began to fall down to the unforgiving earth below.

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