Chapter 7- Pain And Guilt

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She couldn't wake up..
This was real... and it was all her fault...
"I'm so sorry Adrien..." Marinette finally spluttered out between loud sobs. It felt like the world around her had stopped. Little did she know she was surrounded by people, including Alya, Nino and her parents, sympathy and pain hitting them too. She couldn't even see them through all of the guilt and regret she felt. She felt so alone, so pained. She believed she deserved all of it, though. Adrien's death was all her fault. She had killed her supposed 'lover'.

She was a murderer. She had done this to him. She was the worst person ever, how the hell was she chosen for a miraculous wielder? That idea seemed absolutely stupid to her, as she was a terrible person. Marinette was overwhelmed by the amount of pain she was in, she hadn't even noticed the days swim by, or the fact that she was no longer by the Eiffel Tower, but rather in her room, stiff in bed. Meals from the days before plated up on her bedside table, and her parents began to feel extremely worried, as they couldn't get to her. It's like she couldn't even hear them. The doctors claimed this was 'healthy', and this was what happened when one grieved, but her parents disagreed. It was as if Marinette had been torn from a part of herself, and now she was a dull, lifeless person, contrary to her once bubbly and carefree self. The two adults were desperate beyond belief to get their daughter back, to help her back on her feet, so they finally allowed Alya over to try to talk to her. It did nothing though, no one was getting to her. It was like she was trapped in a virtual reality, and no signals from any other life form were getting to her. Alya sighed, and just stared at marinettes disfigured self. Her once bright, happy friend was pale from malnutrition, and unhealthily thin. It was plainly obvious she hadn't moved too, since she had sunk into the bed, almost a part of it now. Her hair was a mess, and she clearly hadn't been getting sleep either, as her eyes were bloodshot, red and puffy from crying, and large dark circles were underneath them.
Marinette looked so zombie-like it actually scared her Brunette friend. Alya hugged Marinette tightly, but Mari felt nothing, she still felt like she was underneath that tower, with Adrien tight in her arms. Her mind had not moved itself from that moment, and hadn't even realised that Adrien was taken away in an ambulance, and Marinette was supposedly 'questioned' by police and checked on by doctors too. Alya began to cry softly, and kissed her friend on the forehead before tucking her back into bed once again. She then called Nino, and explained Marinettes state and situation.

They needed to snap her out of this, and get her going again. Or she would surely wear away.

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