Chapter 10- The Darker Turn

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(A/N: BIG TRIGGER WARNING. Please don't kill me, I don't mean to poke fun at anyone with this chapter. I deeply apologise if this affects you that way. Enjoy the chapter, I think it's going to be the last. But I hope you've liked my miraculous books! If you want me to I'll make a happier Adrienette story, just let me know if that's what you want! Sorry for the long authors note, enjoy!😅💖)

Nathaniel was restless. He was so worried for Marinette, and it physically hurt him how she yelled at him the other day. He was so worried, he wasn't even paying attention in class. Alya promised to give him updates, as she was seeing Mari after school today, which was at least one good thing about all of this. But he needed to know right now how Marinette was, curiousity seeped through his veins.
Maybe she was okay now...?

Marinette was far from that hope however. She had came to the conclusion that her reckless and insane idea was the only way to be happy. Marinette walked downstairs when she knew her parents were in the bakery, and took something before heading back up to her room and closing the door. She also left a note for her parents on the kitchen side.
This was happening, she was actually going to do this.
Her conscience echoed in her head, constant facts of regret and guilt feeding into her brain, but she didn't listen. She came to believe this was the only way to see Adrien again, and that this was the only way to stop feeling so numb. She held the knife she had collected from downstairs delicately in her hands.

The last school bell of the day rang and all the students at the French school everyone went to raced out the doors. Nino and Alya walked over to Marinettes place, to check up on her like they regularly do. Marinette yelling at them the other day made no effect on them, because it was a stage of grief and they were slightly happy that she was showing signs of recovery. They turned the corner to Marinettes door around from the bakery, and Alya knocked on it lightly. Tom, Marinettes dad, answered the door and gave the two children a soft smile, and invited them inside. He explained how Sabine had finally caught some sleep after the doctors reassuring words, so asked them to be considerate. He led them up to the kitchen where he immediately noticed the note that Marinette had placed there, as it wasn't there that morning. He frantically picked it up, in hopes it wasn't a run away note or something worse, and read it. His fears were realised when he did as he raced upstairs, dropping the note onto the floor during the process. Confusion swarmed over Alya and Nino, as they ran after Tom. Once upstairs, the two froze.

Tom was clutching his daughters lifeless body on the floor.

The ambulance arrived quickly once Nino called them.

Marinette was put into intense care and put on life support, but it was too late.

Mama and Papa,
I'm sorry for all the pain and worry I've caused you these past few weeks. Please forgive me, as I've failed as a friend, daughter, lover and the superheroine of Paris. I love you dearly, but I had to do this. I can't live any longer knowing I won't see Adrien again. I don't know why but it physically destroys me everyday to wake up and realise I won't see him. Guess we were soulmates, huh. Fu was right. Oh yea, and please thank that kind man for giving me the chance to be Ladybug, I am eternally grateful. Alya, Nino, I'm sorry I yelled at you, and Nathaniel, I'm sorry I couldn't return your feelings, but am honoured you loved me. I didn't deserve any of the wonderful people I had in my life, but I'm forever grateful they were in it and that they gave me the amazing memories. I will forever cherish them. See you all soon, but not too soon I hope. Please don't follow my foolish path, I care about you all too much for you to go through what I did, so please, please don't grieve my death.

Love you always and forever,
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.


(A/N: Thank you so much for reading 'Unsteady'!! I hope you enjoyed and didn't cry too much😅 *hands box of tissues*, but at least the pain is over and Mari is with Adrien right? Anyway, I really appreciate the votes and reads, makes my day. I'm currently working on a Klance book, cuz Voltron is life and I love it and klance will be cannon lolol, and maybe an Adrienette book too? Idk. But thank youuuuu alllll!!! Love youuu!!~ Ellie)

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