Chapter 8- Anger and Bargaining

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Marinette was unknowingly dragged out of bed and showered, and had her clothing changed. Alya had done so to try and get her friend back to the way she was, and was now dragging her out to get some ice cream with Nino and Nathaniel.

Nathaniel had always admired Marinette, her confidence and positive attitude was something he'd always adored about her. She was so nice, and she was so gorgeous too. Nathaniel had never met such a perfect person, and he was beyond jealous that Adrien had her attention, and not him, but he never showed it.
To be honest, as long as Marinette was happy, Nathaniel was always happy too.
He'd always been satisfied with just being her friend, and if she'd talked to him he'd call it a blessing.
He really loved her.

So once he found out that Adrien Agreste had died, the first thing he could think about was the state Marinette would be in. He was incredibly upset he'd lost his classmate, yea, but all that was running in his mind was how Marinette must've been feeling right then.
Marinette adored Adrien, this must've destroyed her.

So, once Alya said she'd be attempting to get her outside, and to eat something, Nathaniel begged her to let him join them. He needed to see her, to make sure she was okay. But she was far beyond it.
Once Nathaniel laid eyes on his blue haired crush, he was shocked with sympathy, pain and disbelief. She looked so ill, so numb. He was determined to help her, so he smiled and greeted her nicely. She didn't react or even respond though, so Nathaniel just gave her the ice cream he'd bought for her.
"Here, its strawberry, your favourite!" He smiled weakly at her, and gave her the ice cream. Marinette just stared at it, and then threw it to the ground. Shocked at the sudden movement, the three teens stared at Marinette.
"Can you just stop!? Take a fucking hint!! I am not in the mood right now!! Adrien is dead. HES FUCKING DEAD, AND HE ISNT COMING BACK TO ME. IM NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN, HES NEVER GOING TO COME BACK TO ME, I LOST THE ONE PERSON I WILL EVER CARE ABOUT AND ALL YOU ASSHOLES CAN THINK ABOUT IS ICE CREAM AND SUNSHINE. WELL, IF YOU HADNT NOTICED, ADRIEN AGRESTE IS DEAD. YOUR FRIEND, YOUR CLASSMATE IS DEAD. HOW CAN YOU ALL BE OKAY RIGHT NOW!? YOU DONT EVEN LOOK UPSET!!! I'm so done with this..." Her voice had worn out from screaming so loudly, and she had attracted the attention of everyone in the surrounding area. The three friends of hers were speechless, but she didn't care. She was fuming. She was so mad. She stormed off home, and headed back upstairs. Reality hit her like a brick once she fell onto her bed.
I would do anything to see him again... She thought, remorse filling her body up once again. I would give anything, I would do anything.. I really want to see him.... Maybe if I sold my soul to Satan he'd come back..
She wasn't even joking. Marinette had never really had a strong belief before, but after Adrien died, she'd believe in anything or anyway to get him back. She just needed him back... she needed him to come back...

She would give up anything to see him again..

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