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I couldn't believe that the day had finally come. I was going to go to Hogwarts. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't terrified beyond my wits, my trembling hands holding onto my cart as I stared at the wall between me and the platform 9 3/4.

"Go on sweety, it'll be ok"

I looked up at my glowing father. He was probably more excited than I was if you could believe it. His crooked smile gleamed at me giving my legs a boost of confidence as they propelled me onto the platform. Once I was through my eyes lit with excitement. All around me were magical wizards and witches of different ages, it was amazing.

"Told yeh you could do it!"

I looked behind me at my dad as he laid a hand on my shoulder.

"These 're gonna be the best days of yer life! Enjoy it!"

His Scottish accent and confidence in me made a smile bloom on my face, he was always right after all.

"Here, gimme yer cart,"

He took the heavy wheeling beast out of my hands. Ever since I had put my luggage on it, the stupid thing gave me nothing but grief. I had manage to crash into not one, but two passerby's who probably hated me but that was all behind me now. Proudly I lifted my head and followed Dad to where the luggage needed to be dropped off. I cooed a short goodbye to my owl, Puffin. Although I knew puffins were penguins I felt my stout white and black owl was close enough.

"Got yer ticket?"


"Yer robes?"


"Love for yer dear father?" I chuckled at his cheerful gesture.

"Double check"

I wrapped my arms around him tightly, the understanding that I wouldn't see him until Christmas time made me want to cry.

"I'll miss you, please be safe while I'm gone. And don't let Rufus destroy anything"

Rufus was my pet hound dog, and he sure was a handful. I would have brought him but I guess cats are allowed and not dogs, shame.

"Of course me love. Write me as much as possible yeh?"

I nodded and pulled away with a goofy grin on my face.

"I love you nugget," he said lovingly ruffling my hair, "and don't forget it."

As the train whistle sounded I gave him another quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Dad!"

He chuckled at my excitement as I scurried over to the entrance of the cabins. I waved to him quickly before disappearing into the car to start my life at Hogwarts.

I started my hunt for an available seat and found it rather difficult. Most people had already cliqued together and left no room for a lost freshman. I groaned as I saw the next two rooms were all taken up and I began to lose hope in finding a seat. Standing for the ride wouldn't be terrible would it? When the train lurched forward almost knocking me to the ground I decided that wasn't the best of ideas. I continued my search until I found a car with only two boys in it, one was a ginger and another had very dark hair with glasses. I knocked respectfully and cleared my throat,

"I'm sorry, all the other seats are taken. Would it be fine if I sat with you lot?"

They both looked at each other before nodding sweetly.

"My names Ronald Weasley," the red head exclaimed reaching out his hand, "nice to meet you"

I shook his hand firmly, "the names Christine Brickley, nice to meet you too."

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