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Oh boy did I have questions to answer. When I sat down next to Harry and Hermione for dinner I was bombarded with questions about Malfoy and where I went.

"He was told to take me up immediately by Snape," I lied, rolling a piece of potato on my plate. "It was rather annoying. He kept making fun of me for needing someone to take me back" oh but that was far from the truth. He held me close and ran his hand through my hair, silently telling me how glad he was that I was alright.

"Doesn't he know that you were freezing and confused? That bloody git, if I would have known I would've-"

"You would've what Ronald?" Hermione interjected. Suddenly Ron became red and slightly flustered. Hermione always seemed to have that effect on him, making his shut up.

"But seriously Chrissy you shouldn't let him talk to you like that. I know you normally do" Hermione's arched brow spoke all the words she didn't. So why didn't you hm?

I couldn't help but glance over at the Slytherin table. Draco was staring at me not at all discreetly. Apparently he wasn't too keen on keeping our "secret" and actual secret. I quickly turned away and directed my attention at Harry.

"Thanks for saving me by the way. I know it was your objective and all but-"

"You weren't just an objective" everyone was taken by surprise at Harry's words. He was staring at me with such force I could feel myself shrinking away slightly. Apparently referring to myself as "just an objective" didn't sit well with him. I gulped,

"Well thank you. I really appreciate it" His face softened slightly and he nodded,

"Of course"

Thankfully Hermione distracted everyone from Harry's continuous staring by talking about a new book she was reading about the abuse of house elves. I tried to be engaged but Harry just kept staring at me, like if he let me out of his sight I would disappear or be kidnapped. I didn't quite know what to do about it. He hadn't been so intent on who I talked to before, but recently he seemed so much more involved in what was happening to me, even though his life needed much more attention than mine.

After a long time of staring and attempted subject change I left back to my dorm. I was bewildered at what was going on with my friends and prospective-secret-boyfriend. On my way up to my room an all too familiar voice called up at me,

"Hey Brickley" a smirk formed on my face. Oh Draco.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I turned to look down at him but he was already right next to me. I had to cling to the stair case to stop myself from toppling over.

"I saw you with Potter" his eyes hardened slightly,

"We happen to be friends yes"

"His eyes didn't look friendly"

"Oh and you know how to be friendly do you?"

"We both know the answer to that question" my cheeks heated up and I looked away from him. We did both know how friendly he could be. Especially with his mouth on mine when no one was around.

"I don't like the way he looks at you," his voice was barely above a whisper so I had to do a double take, "he looks at you like he- like he wants you"

I was definitely taken back. Harry wants me? What does that even mean? Harry and I tell each other everything, we're practically best friends. Draco must be mistaken.

"I think you're reading too far into this. He's probably just being extra protective because of yesterday. He's a good friend that way" apparently this didn't ease his worries.

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