The Triwizard Tournament

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Draco's POV

I mentally scolded myself for how I treated Christine. What was I thinking backing her into a corner like that? And the nasty words I said, how could I be so stupid? I couldn't help but think back to her flushed face and wide Hazel eyes, she looked so adorable and innocent. Thinking that way was futile though, besides that moment she hated me because of her friends, essentially my mortal enemies. I can't really say that I like her anyways, considering we've barely spoken besides insults and glares, but that didn't make me feel any less stupid.

After the train ride was over there was mass of students getting off the train bumbling their way towards the carriages. Crabbe, Goyle, and I elbowed our way through the underclassmen, taking over the nearest carriage. Pansy Parkinson as well as Blaise Zabini joined, talking smack on the unsuspecting first years. Blaise was going into full detail about a prank he intended to fulfill on the Hufflepuffs when Christine's auburn hair caught my eye. She was two carriages behind us sitting with a bunch of Gryffindors as well as a Ravenclaw I didn't recognize. The delicate curls and waves in her hair bounced from the rugged terrain of the road and she had a playful demeanor about her, like she usually did. That joy always seemed to falter whenever she saw me or my friends. I looked away quickly as to not draw attention to myself, and forced a laugh or two at Pansy's crude comments about one of the chubbier first years.

When we finally arrived at the castle we all marveled at an unfamiliar horse drawn carriage. Normally this wouldn't be so strange, but it was actually hurling through the air! Following the magical vehicle a large boat appeared out in the middle of the lake that I could scarcely see from where I was at.

Soon we all entered the great hall and took our seats at our respective tables. I sat relatively towards the middle and I mentally noted that Christine had sat near the very front. She was an over achiever like that, in the front of classes, meetings, meals. What a kiss ass. The professors took no time starting the sorting of the first years, and we were soon to know why. We had two groups of guests that needed an introduction. They started with the all girl Beauxbaton academy. As they entered they attracted all the eyes of the males in the room. One bent down in front of me, and looked me in the eye. A smirk formed on her face as she winked and twirled away from me. I watched her go forward until my eyes met Christine's, She was fuming and glaring daggers at me from where she sat. I couldn't stop the smirk that appeared on my face. Was she jealous? She turned away quickly, her face red from embarrassment. I couldn't deny the satisfaction I felt from making her jealous, but I also couldn't deny the guilt.

Next came the boys from Durmstrang, and now it was the girls turn, but the boys awed as well. Their magic was so powerful and strong and were entertaining to watch. I had to refrain from growling when one stayed in front of Christine, she seemed to enjoy it and that's what made it worse. I forced my face retort back to normal instead of disgusted at the boy in front of her. I saw her glance in my direction once or twice, but luckily I'm good at looking disinterested. Once their festivities were over Dumbledore started talking about a triwizard tournament. Father had spoken of it before, he said it was a battle of strength and mind as well as deadly. With each word I got more and more excited, I could prove my worth, I could be important, but then Barty Crouch was in the picture. Only students 17 and up could participate. Boo's and groans erupted from everyone including myself. I elbowed Zabini,

"Can you believe this crap?" He shook his head and laid his chin on his hand.

"They think we can't take it, what a load of-"

Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by thunderclouds forming on the ceiling. Girls were screaming and rain started to drizzle on all of us. This had never happened before, so terror was understandable but not screaming. I looked over at Christine to see her covering her hair with her robe, her once naturally wavy hair was now frizzy and wet. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, even if it was something as silly as hair. She always made me feel that way, a little extra. When she'd say something funny it would take everything in me not to laugh, even if others didn't think so. When she was sad I always would feel a rush of pity and guilt, she just made me feel.

We all looked up once a loud snap stopped the rain. A man with an extraordinary limp and false eye came in from behind the professors. He looked muddy and disheveled, like a homeless man. He greeted Dumbledore  and was announced to be Alastair Moody, the auror. We all looked at each other in awe, he was one of the most well known aurors in the wizarding world. This year was bound to be interesting.

After dinner we all headed back to our respective common rooms, the first years tagging along. As the prefects showed them around I plopped onto the couch. It was nice to be back, home was never very warm but Hogwarts was. It was almost a second home. My good mood got better when I saw Christine walk in. She was chatting excitedly with a first year when we made eye contact. Even if I had wanted to I couldn't hide the smirk on my face. Her face flushed automatically and she sent me a glare. I was surprised when she showed the girl where the dorm was then walked back to me.

"What's your problem?" She crossed her arms and raised her eye brow, I almost chuckled at her gesture.

"I have no idea what you mean Brickley" I could tell she was getting more frustrated, but it only humored me more.

"You know what I mean! In the dining hall where you were smirking at me, and especially on the train when you- ugh!" Her face flushed brighter when she spoke of the train. That filled me with satisfaction and confidence, I really did have an affect on her.

"All we did was have a conversation, and a little smirk now and again never hurt anyone" she was practically fuming now. Her arms shot down to her sides in little fists, pursing her lips in annoyance.

"Just a conversation?!" She yelled, "you were maybe two inches away from me! And you were saying weird stuff about me liking you and- just- UGH! And smirking isn't harmless" I laughed out loud, throwing my head back. It was absolutely adorable how she presented herself, I was surprised I didn't crack sooner.

"Does that bother you terribly? Hm Brickly?" I stood up effortlessly and closed some space between us, we were about a foot and a half apart, "because you know if it didn't mean anything to you, it shouldn't bother you right?" I took a step closer, instinctively she leaned back, but not very far. She maintained eye contact, even though I could tell it was hard for her. "Maybe you should think about that a little," I twirled a piece of her hair around my finger, "before you come attacking me." With that I backed away. She stood still, struck with surprise. With a quick spin I headed upstairs, a smile plastered on my face, oh Christine.


It wasn't until I laid down to sleep that the guilt really set in. I did that to her, again! I couldn't believe myself. After the self talks and the previous guilt you would think I would have hesitated at least a little, but I didn't. I had no control over myself when I was around her, it was like magnets being pulled together. Just being around her made me crazy and I needed to stop, but I just couldn't.

After an hour or two of tossing and turning I gave up and headed down to the common room. I was about to walk towards the couch when I saw a figure lying there. Her auburn hair was unmistakable and a smile appeared on my face. She was sleeping soundly, small snores coming from her agape mouth. She must had been there for a while because on the floor was a thrown and rustled blanket. Quietly I stepped around the couch and lifted the small throw. It looked home made and very well done with a blue and white pattern across it. Gently I tucked it up by her shoulders and draped it across her body. She looked so content a peaceful, she looked beautiful. I had to tear myself away before letting myself snuggle up next to her. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I'd barely spoken to this girl besides snide insults and glares, but here I was tucking her in and admiring her beauty. She was like an intoxicating drug that keeps you coming back for more. This year was definitely going to be different.

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