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"So if you don't mind me asking," Harry started, "what did happen last night?"

I gulped and focused on my feet. After that there was no way I couldn't tell him.

"Well Xavier gave me these spiked drinks and I didn't know better. I got really drunk so he took me back to the common room. Then he pushed himself on me and well... Draco saved me. He ripped Xavier off of me and punched him outright, and that's it"

Harry looked at me intently, as if to see a fault to my story, a missing piece, but really nothing else happened.

"Well I ought to beat his arse then. The fact that he even thought of doing that to you," his hand went to where he held his wand.

"Nothing happened so there's no need to kill anyone, plus you've got enough going on. Are you ready for the tournament tomorrow?" His head hung. He got this magical egg thing and every time he opened it it would screech. What a clue.

"I don't know, maybe I have to do it alone?" We both shrugged and walked onto the bridge, and were shocked to see a Cedric bounding towards us. Harry seemed more annoyed than I.

"Hey Harry! Hi Christine! Cold isn't it?" I nodded and Harry just rolled his eyes. I understood is attitude, Cedric did take Cho to the ball and let his friends wear the "Potter stinks" badges, so they weren't on the best of terms.

"So Harry look, I realized I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons"

"Forget about it I'm sure you would have done the same for me" I jabbed his side. Cedric was apologizing and he was being a git!

"Exactly! You know the prefects bathroom, on the fifth floor?" We both nodded, even though he was only talking to Harry, "it's not a bad place for a bath. Just take the egg and mull things over in the water. See yah later, bye Christine!" And he trotted off. Harry and I gave each other a confused look. A bath? That's his advice? What is he a life coach?

After a while Harry decided to try out this bath idea so I headed back to the dormitories. I had potions in an hour and my paper was almost done, even though it was a day early. Inside Draco was sitting on the couch lounging with his arms on the back, but he wasn't alone. Pansy was snuggled up next to him, fawning over his injured hands. Jealousy bubbled in my stomach and the urge to slaughter them followed. Pansy noticed my presence and smirked,

"Hey there Chrissy, are you alright? Getting called out for your dirty deeds isn't fun huh?" My face fumed and I turned to Draco for help, but he just stared into the fire. I didn't want to deal with her nasty gossip so I stormed off upstairs to my room where I collapsed onto the bed. Tears swelled in my eyes and I wanted to scream my lungs out. I was not a slut, and Pansy was just trying to start stuff, but that wasn't what hurt the most. Malfoy didn't even bat an eye to help me. He'll punch Xavier, but won't defend me against stupid Pansy? I thought he had changed.

I finished my paper and looked at the clock to see that I had 20 minutes before class, and it was at least a 7-8 minute walk. I fixed my mascara in the mirror beside my bed, slung my bag over my shoulder, and put on my brave face for having to sit next to Malfoy for the next hour and a half.

When I made it down there were only two other people in the room, a straggler Hufflepuff from the previous class and Snape. I plunked into my seat and put my head on my arms, feigning for this day to be over already.

The minutes passed and soon the class was full of bubbling teenagers, including the tyrants at my table.

"Oh Chrissy dear, how's your cheek? Xavier really let you have it" Pansy giggled. She must've thought she sounded cute, but in reality, she sounded like a hog.

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