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The next month was pretty good actually, many people came up to me and asked what happened between Pansy and me. I guess I wasn't actually the laughing stock of the school, how funny. Many slytherins still made fun of me, calling me pie face and what not,  but I never really cared what they thought anyways. The one thing that really stood out to me is Malfoy stopped talking to me. We would talk about the potions and the questions when necessary but no weird talk and no insults. It was quiet. He would say things to Harry but only when he thought I wasn't there, what an odd person.

Things got weird though. Harry had been chosen as one of the athletes for the triwizard tournament, but he's only 14. We all talked about it together and decided that someone must be setting this up, but we couldn't do a single thing. Harry's first tournament was around the corner and it seemed like he wasn't prepared at all.

"What are you going to do about a bloody dragon?" I whisper yelled. Even though Ron wasn't speaking to Harry he had Hermione tell him to go with Hagrid who showed him the beasts, crazy.

"I'm not sure, it's more difficult than it sounds. There's no 'how to slay a dragon 101' that I can find any where" Hermione and I sighed in annoyance.

"Well do something, I'm not going to have you dying on my watch"  I looked over to the slytherin table where Sage and Melissa sat and I was suddenly filled with rage. Pansy and her goons were standing over them, poking Melissa repeatedly and yelling at Sage. Furiously I stood up and stalked across the room.

"What seems to be the problem here?" They all looked up at my crossed arms and raised brow.

"Just playing with the first years your highness" now I was seething.

"Well your playing looks like harassment so leave. I'm not going to ask twice" she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"What are you going to do? Get your little champion over there to fight for you?" Her thumb was pointed towards Harry.

"Pansy we both know I could take you on with very little of a fight. You can bug me all you want but leave them alone" her face was bright red with anger. I knew I stirred the pot a little bit too much.

"Just because guys seem to flock to you doesn't mean you rule this place. Especially since Draco barely glances your way any more" she whispered the last part and I had to grind my teeth to avoid screaming obscenities.

"Good bye little ducklings" she chirped in an overly sweet tone. I should have punched her in the face and dragged her out by her hair for bothering my babies, but I was too cowardly for that.

"Sorry about that guys, did she hurt you?" I looked at Melissa and saw she was holding back tears.

"If she bothers you again just let me know, I don't mind reaming her for all she's worth" they both smiled and I hugged them close. They didn't deserve some jerk picking on them.

Things went a little differently in potions today. We were making a poison to keep bugs off of plants and Zabini decided it was a good time to get funny.

"Hey Pansy you should wear this as perfume. It might keep some nasty bugs away" he looked at me and pretended to flick the potion in my direction. I decided ignoring them was my best bet.

"Oh yeah I sure do. Maybe I'll just feed it to the bugs so they will stay away from everyone forever" they were both laughing and my patience was running thin. She literally just said she'd kill me, awesome.

"Did you hear that that Weasley isn't even talking to Potter? Rumor is that they're in a lovers quarrel" I knew very well why Ron and Harry were on the outs so I knew this bull crap was coming at me.

"Yeah," Pansy started, "apparently Ron was sleeping with Harry's bed buddy and now they're mad at each other. You know who the bed buddy is?" I could feel the blood rushing past my ears as I waited for them to say my name, the sooner this class was over the better.

"Yeah I heard it's Brickley-"

"Shut your fat mouth Zabini" I was shocked to hear the words come out of Draco's mouth. They were so full of hatred that I wanted to cower and they weren't even directed at me. Zabini just seemed amused.

"What is it Draco? Did I get it mixed up?" He snickered but even Pansy wasn't laughing with him.

"You heard me Blaise, one more word and I'll-"

"You'll what? Tell you father?" And then it was on. Draco dragged Zabini by his collar and sucker punched him in the nose. A loud crack sounded and I knew his nose was broken, but he didn't stop.

"Draco stop it!" I screamed tugging at his shoulders, but it wasn't helping. I could see Zabini trying to protect his face to no avail. Strong hands ripped me off of Draco and tossed me to the floor. My hip and side hurt from the impact. I looked up to see that Snape was the one that threw me. He ripped Draco away and held him back.

"Brickley and Malfoy!! You both have detention, 3 hours!" I tried to protest, especially since I wasn't the one fighting, but Snape refused to listen. The three of us were sent to madam pomfrey but I didn't see why I had to go. Once we got there she gasped at the looks of Zabini and Draco.

"You three! Ooh I've got my work cut out for me. Sit on the beds, I'll be back in a moment" Zabini sat on the opposite side of the room, as far away from Draco as possible. I only sat one bed away. What was he thinking getting into a brawl like that? It was stupid and reckless, not something Malfoys are known for.

When pomfrey came back she tended to Zabini first then me.

"There's nothing wrong with me! I'm fine!" She put her hands on her hips and frowned,

"What do you call that on your cheek and lip then? And I'm sure you've got bruises all along you" I picked up the mirror next to me and gasped. My right cheek was bruised and cut and I had a split in my lip. I guess I didn't realize that Draco's elbow had hit me more than a few times. She gave me a nasty drink for the bruises and a bandage as well as ice for my face. When she was tending to Draco I was shocked at the state of his hands. They were cut and bleeding as well as extremely bruised, he looked like he punched a wall. His hands were wrapped and he was given the same nasty drink as me, but he handled it without gagging.

Soon we were left alone, Zabini passed out quickly and I laid on my side but I couldn't sleep. I now felt the pain in my cheek from the bruising and kept running my tongue over the split in my lip, re opening it. I also kept wondering what ran through his mind when he attacked Blaise. Did he have a bad day? Was he already fighting with him? Maybe it was for me? I pushed the last thought away, I was tool, no way would he defend me. Since sleep was non existent I sat up and sighed. I looked to my left and saw Draco was doing the same with his head tilted upwards. It was then that I noticed he also had a bruise on his face, not as bad as mine and definitely not as bad as Zabinis.

"Hey" I whispered, trying to catch his attention. His eyes darted over to me, then back up to the ceiling.

"What?" I honestly didn't think he would respond.

"Can you not sleep?" He closed his eyes and shook his head. I'm sure he was a bit wound up from today's events as well.

"Me either. Hospitals don't exactly give a welcoming vibe" his head nodded slightly in agreement.

"Why'd you do it?" The words slipped out before I could stop them. I had his full attention now. He turned his while body to look at me, his expression pained but dull.

"He had it coming" his words were dark and filled me with goosebumps. I don't know what possessed me to walk over to him after that, but I did. His surprise was evident with his eye brow raised.

"Thank you," I gently lifted his hand, "for doing that. Even though it was rash and stupid, and you probably didn't even do it for me, thank you" I ran my hand over his bandaged knuckles, focusing on how each one laid on top of the other. When I looked back up at him his eyes were wide and his face was little flushed. I pulled away quickly.

"Sorry, that was kinda weird, sleep deprivation you know? Time to sleep now good night" I rambled, scuttling back into the bed and wrapping myself in the blanket, tangling myself in the nightgown Pomfrey gave me. Why the hell did I say that? I closed my eyes tightly and prayed for sleep. I just said thank you to a guy who beat the life out of a another student! I could be so stupid sometimes.

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