The tournament

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The next few days were spent ignoring Draco, or at least attempting to. It's hard to ignore your potions partner. But the day soon came that Harry had his first tournament, so I tried to focus on that.

"You've got this ok? No body is more qualified than you" My words were complete bull and he knew it, but he appreciate the gesture.

"Thanks Chris I just... what happens if I can't?" I hugged him tightly and shook my head,

"Don't think that way! We'll be waiting for you and watching from the stands. You have to come back ok?" I could feel him nod but I didn't let go. The thought of not seeing him again made a lump throb in my throat.

"Champions this way" filches scratchy voice called to Harry and I. Hesitantly I let him go,

"Be safe ok! I'll be the best cheerleader!" He threw me back a nervous smile before he disappeared into the tent.

It was freezing in the stands, being up so high the wind was ever present and fog loomed in the air. I plopped down next to the twins, rubbing my hands together for warmth.

"It's f-freezing"

"Should have worn a better outfit then" George commented snidely. I glared but knew he was right. I was wearing leggings and a cream colored sweater with a thin gray scarf and a beanie to match. I didn't expect it to be colder than Antarctica in the middle of winter.

"Here you bafoon" George draped his coat over me, shrouding me in warmth. I muttered a quiet thank you and pulled the jacket closer.

After the first two champions I was nervous as hell. I thought Fleur was going to die more than once and Krum got burned. Next up was Cedric and I felt my heart racing. We hadn't really spoken since the World Series but he would smile at me in the halls and we would sometimes catch up in the library.

Every time the dragon spit fire I would cringe and turn away. By the end I was clinging to George's arm for dear life, hiding my face from the horror. Thank Merlin he got the stupid golden egg but that just meant it was Harry's turn. It was completely silent when he walked out, the dragon no where to be seen. As soon as he charged for the egg the spined beast jumped out and went for the kill, I thought I was going to be sick. Harry cast a spell away from the dragon and I stared in disbelief. He completely avoided the dragon! What kind of spell could he have possibly been casting? After a moment the whizzing of a broom flew over our heads and Harry mounted it effortlessly. A loud cheer escaped my mouth and my hand shot in the air. The crowd was going crazy, but then he started flying over the professors. The chains holding the creature broke and followed him, almost hitting the teachers with its tail. Silence took us over. How would we know if Harry lived? Or was seriously injured? My stomach turned and I thought I was going to be sick. I quickly sprinted out of the bleachers and onto the ground. I leaned against a beam, gasping for air. Soon dry heaves took over my body and I was gagging at the ground. Pictures of Harry falling, being burnt, tossed, mangled, and deranged poisoned my mind and stomach. A pair of hands pulled back my hair and kept me from heaving on it. After a minute or two I straightened up and took a deep breath.

"Thank you" The words came out hoarse and scratchy. I looked to see who was holding my hair and saw a concerned Draco. My body stiffened and I stood up quickly, a little too quickly. My jello legs almost sent me crashing to the ground. His arms caught me and held me upright, his face strewn with worry.

"Are you alright?" I nodded and tried to swallow but the dryness if my mouth made it rather difficult.

We stood in silence, his arms holding me upright as if at any moment I would collapse and break. I couldn't think of what to say, I had been avoiding him for days and now he was holding my hair back while I heaved over the possible loss of his enemy.

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