The Dance

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The next few days were spent thinking about the dance. How was I going to do my make up, and my hair? Was I supposed to ask him to dance or was I supposed to wait for him? Swarms of thoughts flooded my head and I just got more and more excited. Poor Harry and Ron were yet to have found dates.

"It's like all of them are gone! Poof! They all have dates already. What am I supposed to do Chris?" The two of us were walking outside in the snow, snuggled beneath warm jackets and scarves.

"Well try and go after one you really want to go with! Maybe they were waiting on you and got bored. You are a champion after all" he groaned kicking a puff of snow.

"The girl I really want to go with is too excited to change dates, she's going with a 7th year" I knew who he was talking about, Cho Chang. She was going with Cederic and, if I'm being honest, they're pretty cute together.

"Well I know there's plenty of girls who would love to be the center of attention like that, being with a champion. You'll find a girl Harry" he sent me a fake smile and looked up at the sky.

"Would you go with me?" I looked over at him confused,

"You know if you weren't going with that guy, would you?" He glanced at me, still facing the sky.

"Well of course!" I giggled punching his arm. He let out a nervous laugh and smiled at me.


It was finally time to get ready for the ball, I was beyond nervous.

"What if he doesn't actually like me? What if he dances with someone else?" Sage sighed while curling my hair,

"He asked you didn't he? I'm sure he really wants to go with you" I turned to Melissa and pouted,

"Is she right? Am I just over thinking this?" She nodded sweetly, giving me a big smile. With that boost of confidence I let Sage finish my hair without another peep.

When I was finally ready I gasped at my reflection. The dress still looked just as beautiful as before and thanks to Sage my hair was perfect. I had a light amount of brown eye shadow, mascara, and a bold red lip to finish it off and I felt wayyy too confident.

"Damn who am I? Thank you guys so much!" I twirled a little earning a giggle from the two of them.

"Well I guess it's time for me to go"

As soon as my heel hit the first step down the stairs all eyes were on me. I tried to ignore the fact that so many people were staring and kept my head held high. I slowly walked towards the door and let out a sigh of relief when Xavier walked up to me.

"Wow, you look amazing. I'm really the luckiest guy here" a goofy grin was smeared across his face and I couldn't help the nervous giggle that came from my throat.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" his curly hair was the same but he had on Sleek black dress robes and fancy shoes that make him look more posh than anything.

"Oh this is for you," he pulled a red rose out from behind him and stuck it in my hair, "I couldn't find a black road so I found the best complimentary color" I blushed and thanked him before the champions came in. It was weird to see that so many of my friends were either champions or with champions, but I was proud none the less. Harry came in last with one of the Patil twins and I gave him a thumbs up. The grimace on his face was evident and I felt a little sorry for him, I doubt that's who he would have ever wanted to go with. Soon everyone started towards the dance floor and Xavier and I followed. His dancing wasn't as formal or enchanting as Draco's was, but it was definitely still fun. He would dip me and twirl me at random times, bothering the dancers around us. It was genuinely a great time.

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