Watery Peril

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It was the day of Harry's tournament. It was freezing cold and I was wearing about four layers of clothing to compensate. 

"Ms Brickley?' McGonogall called. I spun on my heel to meet her,

"Yes professor?" 

"I'm going to need you to come with me" confused and not wanting to question a professor I followed behind her. We made our way up to Dumbledore's office where I saw Hermione, Cho, and a young girl standing. 

"What's going on?" the curiosity was killing me,

"You are going to be a part of the games in a way. Please, all of you, have a seat" hesitantly we all obeyed and sat in the four seats. Hermione and I passed nervous glances, and when we looked back at Dumbledore all I saw was his wand then darkness. 

*Draco's POV*

"Where is she?" I groaned to myself. I was stamping my feet next to the entrance waiting for Christine to show up. Was she avoiding me?  Not going to lie the thought crossed my mind more than once. After kissing in the common room we walked to dinner and hadn't spoken to each other since. It was dumb of me to do that, I didn't even know if she liked me and I just smashed my lips onto hers! Remembering the kiss caused my face to flush and my lips to tingle. Her lips were so soft and perfectly molded into mine, and her hands were so sweet and gentle tangled in my hair. Ugh where was she?

It seemed like the games were going to start and she still hadn't shown up. I knew she wouldn't miss Potter's event no matter what, something was wrong. Angrily I walked to the top and shoved a small Gryffindor out of the way. Potter seemed anxious as well, probably from the cold and having to jump in the freezing water. Not going to lie I enjoyed the idea of him having to be in freezing water, but I was too distracted by Christine's absence. Where is she?  With a pop everyone was sent into the water. Potter looked as if he was choking but Mad-Eye threw him in anyways. I was a little concerned that he wouldn't make it back up, but strictly for Christine's sake.

Minutes dragged by and everyone was chatting excitedly around me, but I couldn't bring myself to be excited. I hoped with all of my being that that kiss didn't push her away from me so strongly that she wouldn't come to support Harry.  Everyone screamed excitedly as Cedric came to the surface holding a Ravenclaw, presumably the one he'd been dating. Was she at the bottom of the lake?! Suddenly I grew nervous. Who did the others have? Fleur obviously has a Beauxbaton, but who did Harry have? I could see Weasley waiting anxiously, but no Granger. She was probably the person he needed to get, my anxiety was released. But that meant that she was ignoring me, which made my heart drop. 

Fleur had come up early because she couldn't make it, and a few minutes later Krum came up... carrying Granger. Anxiety bubble in my chest again and I squeezed the railing looking at everyone. I tried to account for all of Potters friends, little Weasley, the twins, anyone who it might be. They were all there, except Christine. My hands tightened further making my knuckles go white as I waited for her to break the surface with Potter. She must be freezing, if it's this cold up here I couldn't imagine how freezing the water is. I had to stop myself from plunging into the water and finding her myself. 

Minutes past but felt like hours. No sight of Harry or Christine and time was almost up. I couldn't believe this. I should have waited for her by the dormitories, I should have talked to her, I should have been more forward. Even if Potter doesn't get her they'll save her right? They won't leave her will they? Will they? Suddenly two people surfaced from the water. A young girl and Christine. I pushed through the swarm of people to get to them. Weasley helped the little girl out and I grabbed Christine. They passed us towels to wrap them in so I wrapped her and pulled her close.

"Are you ok? it's freezing what were you doing under there?" her lips were light blue and her hair was stuck to her head. Whatever make-up she was wearing was smeared down her cheeks, but she was still the most beautiful thing I'd seen in my life.

"I-I'm ok" she said between shivers. My heart was full knowing that she was ok and not freezing at the bottom of a monster infested lake. I pulled her into my chest and ran my hand down her soaked hair. Seconds later Potter blasted out of the water and onto the deck. He looked to Christine to see me holding her and his gaze grew narrow. I rolled my eyes, it didn't matter what he thought. It was his fault that she was at the bottom of that ghastly lake anyways. The scores were announced with Cedric in first, Potter in second for saving two people, Krum, then Fleur. As soon as we were allowed to leave I stood Christine up and walked her back to the dorm. Harry tried to stop us as well as Weasley and Granger but I didn't care, I was taking her to some place warm. 

We made it to the common room in record time leaving both of us a little breathless. I laid her on the couch next to the fire and bolted upstairs quickly. I grabbed one of my grey shirts, sweatpants, and a blanket. I almost tripped at the bottom of the stairs but made it to her, handing her to bundle of cloth.

"There's a shirt and pants, as well as a blanket" she nodded and stood up and headed to her dorm room quickly. I didn't think about the fact that she had her own clothes, only that I wanted to get her into warmer ones. I sat next to the fire exasperated. I didn't normally feel strong emotions like that, especially not anxiety of that magnitude. It genuinely felt as though the world was literally imploding and I could only think of all of the ways that things could have gone wrong.

I heard the patter of her little footsteps and looked up to see her holding the blanket. Her face was slightly flushed and honestly so was I. She was wearing the clothes I have her and it was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. She has the sleeves rolled so they didn't go to her elbows and the shirt itself went to the middle of her thighs. The sweatpants were just as big and I could tell they were rolled at the top. I had to stop myself from staring at her forever. I opened my arms gesturing for her to sit next to me, which she did. I adjusted the blanket to where it was covering both of us and pulled her into my side. Her arms were still cold but her face was now full of color.

"Are you ok?" My voice came out a little hoarser than I would have liked causing me to lecture myself in my head. She nodded and cuddled into my side.  I guess she isn't upset about the kiss.  A small smile found its way onto my lips, but I still needed to know how she felt about it.

"So uhm," she tilted to look up at me, the wet waves of her hair framing her face "I think we should talk about last night" her face turned a deep crimson,

"well uhm, what do you want to know?" her voice was squeaky and more high pitched than usual.

"Did you regret it?" she looked shocked and a bit hurt at my question before shaking her head,

"Absolutely not! It was one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me" she tilted her head down and peaked at me through her lashes, "do you?" I shook my head and put my forehead on hers. 

"I've wanted to do that for months" her eyes opened wide as she got more flustered.

"so you- uhm, so we- well uh... what do we do about uhm, this?" I put my hand on my chin, what should we do? I doubt her family liked mine very much, and my parents are hell bent on me marrying a pure blood, plus her friends and my friends really crash, and Potter is my worst enemy. 

"Do you want to keep us a secret?" I definitely didn't want to ask that question. I didn't want to have to keep her a secret. She was the most amazing thing in the world and I would be the proudest boyfriend in the world to say that she was mine. She sighed and leaned back.

"It seems like what we should do, doesn't it" she sounded upset about it, and rightfully so.

"At least then I'll still get to tease you" I said trying to lighten the mood, I hated when she was sad. she giggled and shook her head.

"You wish Malfoy"

"Yes I do Brickley"

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