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I awoke with the throw I made a few years back around my feet and the warm fire near my face. I fell asleep writing in my journal about Malfoy. What the hell had gotten into him? He'd barely spoken to me these last three years, except for when we insulted each other, and all of a sudden he acts like this? I wanted to punch him in the face to hard he wouldn't have been able to see, but I'm too cowardly for that.

I sat up hesitantly, stretching my back and loosening my muscles. Surprisingly the couch was a great place to sleep, maybe I'd sleep there more often. I threw my blanket around myself like a cape and thudded upstairs. It was early and most people were still sleeping so I had no problem sneaking back into the room. Inside there was two first years sleeping, since I'm an odd ball in slytherin they put me with the newbies so they can get comfortable. I had no problem with it, most girls in my classes were horrid anyways.

Once I was settled and had unpacked some of my things I realized that I left my journal down stairs and I was filled with a panic. What if someone reads it?? I hurried down the steps and into the common room but stopped in my tracks. There stood Malfoy looking into the fire, right in-front of my journal. I slowly stepped down the last few stairs and padded over to the coffee table. I knew he was going to have to see me at some point but when he turned to me I gasped. His shirt was open, completely. I quickly covered my eyes and started a string of I'm sorry's. Apparently my ramble humored him because he chuckled,

"You can look if you want, I'm not embarrassed" his cockiness made me want to throw a book.

"I don't want to see... THAT!" I gestured with one of my hands to where I thought he stood.

"Why aren't you buttoned up anyways? Isn't there a rule against that somewhere?" He chuckled again, clearly my anger was a futile joke.

"I didn't expect any little mice coming down this early, I wasn't trying to show off"

"Who are you calling a mouse?" I uncovered my face and made a point to look him in the eye. I didn't want to see his chest or anything else. I didn't realize he'd stepped closer until the smell of his cologne hit me. It was a dark, rough scent with a hint of mint, I thought I was going to fall over.

"And did you have to bathe in cologne?" He tilted his head and raised one of his brows,

"I'm not wearing cologne" that's when I realized his hair was wet, he just got out of the shower. Did he just naturally smell like that??

"Well that doesn't matter," I stuttered out, trying to change the subject, "I just need my book and I'll be out of your way"

I shuffled quickly over to my journal and turned around to go back upstairs, his chuckles following me the whole way.


After an hour or two the first years woke up and got ready for breakfast. After what happened this morning I definitely needed a pick-me-up of greasy breakfast food.

Once we arrived in the great hall I left the first Years with one of my only Slytherin friends, Joyce Righter, and headed over to the Gryffindor table. There I saw my empty spot next to Hermione and took it quickly. Without even saying a word I dumped a bunch of eggs, bacon, biscuits, and hash browns onto my plate and started to chow. The three of my friends looked at me astonished, I wasn't normally a morning eater let alone a vicious one.

"Rough morning" I mumbled out between chews. They all nodded and went back to their conversations. After stuffing my face for a few minutes and talking with Hermione I decided I needed to check up on my baby first years. Sage Peters and Melissa Triffle were both my very nervous room mates who I abandoned harshly. Sage was a blonde haired green eyed girl with light freckles decorating her nose and cheeks while Melissa was the opposite. She had brown hair and brown eyes with olive skin, she was also a little on the stout side. When I got back over to them they seemed more than excited.

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