Quidditch World Series

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It had been 4 years since that fateful day that started my crazy wild life at Hogwarts. To my surprise Harry, Ron, Hermione, and many other Gryffindors didn't shut me out like I thought they would. They actually invited me in and treated me like a misguided puppy left in the wrong family. Even the Weasley family invited me in as one of their own, that's why I found myself in the Weasley burrow, early in the morning getting ready to go to the Quidditch World Series! Hermione and I were gathering all of our fan gear as well as blankets and clothing when we heard a groggy Ron and Harry slumping down the stairs.

"Good morning boys" I laughed out as they rubbed their eyes.

"Shut up Chrissy" Ron groaned. Hermione and I couldn't help but giggle, he definitely wasn't an early bird.

"You guys better eat, we're leaving soon" Hermione chimed.

The look on Ron's face at the thought of not eating sent him into overdrive and stuffing his face with biscuits. Ginny rolled her eyes,

"Don't forget to chew"

"Now now hurry children, Ron dear don't choke ok?" Molly reminded us sweetly.

I grabbed an apple and skipped outside. Mid skip I bumped into the twins,

"Hello Christine," Fred sang,

"How are you this lovely evening?" George finished.

"It happens to be morning and rather fine. What business are the two of you up to?"

They both looked at each other with devilish smirks on their faces.

"We may have slipped a fire cracker in Ron's back pocket so when he sits down,"


I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. That would be quite a sight.

"Come on come on let's go!" Arthur called to the house. The boys gave me a look as they followed their dad leaving me shaking my head at the idea of them sabotaging their brother, again.

Quickly the rest of the Weasley's, Hermione, and Harry exited the house and we were on our way! After a few minutes of chatting excitedly about the possible outcome of the game a person dropped in front of us, causing me to shriek with fright. When he stood up I was left with my mouth agape. A good looking boy, a bit older than us, was no more than six inches from my face.

"Ah Cedric! Good to see you my boy!" Arthur came up from my right and hugged the guy in front of me. Cedric turned his gaze to me and gave the most dazzling smile, I swear my heart was going to beat out of my chest. As he turned away I looked over at Ginny and Hermione and mouthed oh my God! They both looked at me excitedly and Hermione even winked. The three of us linked arms and followed the people in front of us, whispering excitedly about this new Cedric.

Soon we made it to the top of a hill, where a mangled old boot sat it the middle. Everyone started to surround it, but Harry and I were rather confused.

"Why are we all standing around a manky old boot?" Harry questioned rather confused.

"That isn't just any old boot mate," Fred started,

"That's a portkey"

Harry and I looked over at each other with puzzled looks on our faces.

"What's a portkey?"

"Time to go! Ready?" Cedric's father asked, and everyone started to put their hands on the boot. I followed suit, even though I didn't quite understand why.

"After three. One... two..."

"Harry!" Arthur shouted, shocking Harry and he threw his hand onto the boot,

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