Chap. 6 Tony knows all

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Tony's POV

Ummmmz. Wowwww. I can literally feel the tension. Is this room getting hotter or what?

I tried to warn her. I told her with my eyes but she didn't get the message in time.

She just admitted her like/love/crush/whatever it is for Niall ... right in front of him.

I don't think that's a good thing. I know I'm right when I see Jess' face. She's totally white-like a vampire and I think she stopped breathing.

That's not normal.

Niall is not helping though. He's jut staring at her with an unreadable face. I can't tell if he's surprised happy or confused.

He's unreadable.

Ok this is getting really awkward so ill break the tension. I clear my throat and say," oh hey Niall what's up? You wanna talk about hockey?"

That was dumb right? Oh well. That's all I got. I'm not very good at starting conversations... or keeping conversations ... or talking I people.

He finally peels her eyes off of her face and looks at me. He smiles and holds his hand out.

"Hey man, how you doing? Jess hasn't told me much about you so let's build some conversation mate."

Haha he's Irish. I like that accent. He should keep talking. I see why Jess likes him now.


Jess' POV


Are you serious? Really fate? REALLY!?!

He was standing RIGHT THERE!!!!

I literally just admitted my love for him. And he heard it!!!

Tony decided to break the silence and they have some sort of conversation about each other while I just sit there in shock.

Why didnt he say anything about it? He just stood there with a weird face on.

Was he happy? Was he grossed out? I need to learn boy psycology. Like NOW.

I don't know what to do to make this less awkward so I pretend to get a call.



"At the new smoothie place"

"Tony and Niall"


"Ok be there in a few."

"Sorry guys I gotta go my mom just called me. bye. Ill text you both later."

They both look at me confused before Tony gives me a knowing look like : woowwwwww

I leave them two alone sill talking about the hockey stuffs.



Niall's POV


This Tony guy is pretty funny. I could see us being close friends in the future.

I don't know what it is. He just has this vibe about him that says 'trustworthy'.

If I have a secret, which in fact I do, I think I could trust this kid with it. He's a little but younger than me but he seems mature and he's nice enough.

Yea, ill tell him all my secrets.

I mean c'mon I've known him for, what, 3 hours now? Thats a pretty long time if you know what I'm saying.

"You okay?" he snaps me out if my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was jut thinking about something."

"Care to share?". Hah that rhymes. oh mi goshhh. I have legit problems.

"Umm. Sure. Well, it's complicated. Kind of. Not really."

"Dude calm down.  Whatever it is you can trust me." He reassures me. I relax and just tell him what my mind allows.

"Ok, well, you know how Jess said all those things about me?  I kind of feel the same way about her. It's complicated like I said.  I mean I don't really believe in love at first sight, but I just met this girl yesterday and I already want to be with her all the time. She's all I think about and honestly, I don't know if it's healthy. I have this unique feeling and I can't shake it no matter how hard I try. She's always in my mind and honestly, I feel like a mental patient." I finish with a sigh.

I place my head in my hands and rub my face. I have a headache now. This is all so confusing and I have no choice but to think about it all the time. She's beautiful, truly amazingly, stunningly beautiful and I've never felt this way before.  About anyone or anything for that matter. I tell myself that I'm crazy because I don't know what else to think. I've never really had someone who i liked like me back. Im new to this whole thing and it scares me a little bit.

I want to talk to someone about it. Anyone, but I don't know if I can trust Jess. Maybe she doesn't like me that much. She said she's confused too so maybe she's confused because she feels differently.

I also don't trust this Tony kid. He's really nice and a good listener and he's nice enough, but he's just not a close enough friend yet. Ill wait until I know him a little better before I spill ALL of the mushy details to him.

The only person that really pops into my head when I think of needed girl advice is my good old friend. He's really close and also very good with the ladies.

He was my former band mate in One Direction. Maybe you've heard of him.

Ladies and Gentlemen, he's the one the only ....

Guy I'm heading to for advice right now.

I say goodbye to Tony after he just tells me. 'Wow. Sounds like you've got it bad. I think you should talk to her about it.'

Well that advice wasn't very helpful - no offense Tony.

The whole drive to his house I'm struggling to keep her out of my head. She's like a determined little worm that keeps working its way into my system.

I either have to flush it away or learn to express myself to it and then hopefully the uncomfortable feeling will go away.

Maybe Harry's dealt with something like this before.  He does know a lot about the ladies if you know what I mean. 😜😛😝😘😗😉😊☺😚😍😳.

Authors note: sorry for updating so late. I promise next chap will be up sooner and it will be better. I tried to give it more emotion.

And Tony if you're reading this, don't get too excited, I still win. 😜

Love y'all. Thanx for reading and keep voting!!!

Also, please comment!! I'd love to know what you guys are thinking! If you like it, dislike it, constructive criticism, anything. Just comment! Thanks, byeeee!!

See you next chapter lovelies!!!❤❤

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