Chap. 5 first step

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Jess POV

Yesterday I was talking to Tony and we made the plan to hang out today. For some reason he wants to go to the new smoothie place really badly. Weirdo.

I just woke up and I'm getting dressed now. I choose my cute pink top that says "Puerto Rico" on it (Yes representing!!) and my jean shorts.

It's only about 12:30 and we're supposed to meet at 1 so I get ready to leave. I take my purse with my money in it and my phone. I don't think I'll need anything else.

I want to get there a little bit before Tony anyways so I leave the house now. And by now I mean 12:50.

The walk there is relaxing. I listen to my soft music playlist and it is really comforting.

I get to the smoothie place to see it almost empty. Wow a new place with no business. How sad.

I go to the counter and order myself a strawberry splash smoothie and sit down. I text Tony that I'm here and he says he is on his way.

I them receive a message from a contact in my phone written: Niall :). Omg. Niall put his contact in like that yesterday. He says : 'hey Jess sorry I didn't text you earlier or yesterday I was asleep the whole time.'

I smile at my phone. Is that weird. No everyone does that right? Yea, they must. The kids who text in school do that all the time. Unless they're smiling at their crotches ...

Anyways, I respond to Niall and say, 'No problem, I was sleeping too :) but can I ask you a question?

'Yea, of course. Anything. What's up?'

'I was just wondering why you walked away yesterday after Ben came over'

'Oh, I just got a little bit too pissed and I didn't want to start a fight so I told Louis to keep an eye on you and make sure Ben didn't do anything stupid.'

'Oh okay, thanks for looking out for me. So what are you up to today?'

Right as I send that message, Tony walks in.

"Hey Jess!!!!" He says and snaps me out of my stare at my phone.

"Oh hey! Geez you took forever!" I say as I give him a hug.

"Sorry, the rangers were winning I had to watch until the end."

"Ugh. Of course." I say jokingly.

"Yea so I'm going to go to the bathroom. Order me a blueberry blitz?" He asks as he hands me some money.

"Sure" I say and he leaves for the bathroom. I order him his drink and Niall responds.

'Nothing really. Bored at home. Want to hang out?'

'Sorry I can't, I'm out with Tony at the new smoothie place.'

'Oh, well would Tony mind if I stopped by? Just to get myself a smoothie?'

'Of course not, it's fine. Come on over.'

I give hi to the go ahead in hopes Tony won't mind. He probably won't though. He's more of a go with the flow kind of guy.

He returns from the bathroom and dives into that smoothie. "Oh my gosh, this place is so good." He says and I choose now to drop the news on him.

"Haha yea it really is. Hey by the way, do you mind if Niall stops by for a few minutes?"

"Oh the guy from One Direction who saved you? Yea that would be cool."

Phew. Thank you Tony. You just made my life easier.

A few minutes later of us talking about Niall and how I felt like a constipated duck when I first realized who he was, Niall walks in.

But I didn't notice until ...

Niall's POV

After me and Jess' text conversation, I hop out of bed, get changed and start running down the street into the direction of the new smoothie place. I can only assume this was Tonys idea. Jess said he's in love with smoothies.

As long as he's not in love with her ... My mind adds. Oh shush. I've been thinking like this ever since yesterday. What is wrong with me? I'm being crazy. At first I thought it was love at first sight but I don't believe in all that rubbish. I guess I just have a little crush on her. Or a big one. He's at it again.

After about 5 minutes of me arguing with my subconscious, I get to the smoothie place. I walk in to see the back of Jess' ombré hair and some guy with blonde hair and greenish/ blue eyes. He's listening. Intently to her and nodding.

He looks like a good listener and a more go with the flow type of guy. We should get along fine.

I head over to them and start to hear what Jess is saying. "Yea. And then we started talking and joking around and he's a really cool guy. I'd love to be his friend and I think we are friends. But I don't know. I just have a stronger feeling towards him. I feel like I'm going crazy. My mind is talking to me and I feel lonely without him. But I just met him yesterday. I just... I don't even knew what I'm saying."

By now, I'm standing very close to her and Tony gave her the shhhhhh sign. "What?" She asks him. She turns around and her cheeks flush. She knows I heard her. She likes me too. She feels the same way I do. IM NOT CRAZY!!! WOOHOOO!! SUCCESS!

Ok maybe I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure no sane person cheers for themselves inside of their own heads while smiling at the most beautiful girl in the world like a goof. Oh goodness, I need help.

Authors Note: sorry for the short chapter guys!!! I was rally busy lately and I'm just getting a little stressed but I will continue to update for you guys. Sooo sorry if they're a little bit shorter for now on. Love you guys!!! :-*. But hey! : not only did we just find out that they like each other! but Niall finds out Jess' secret emotions for him. ;) ;). Now we just have to wait and see how she finds out his.

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