Ch. 10 Makeup date❤️

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Niall's POV
I wake up in the same hospital room, on the same hard ass floor that's probably ruining my back, and I'm next to the same beautiful girl I fell asleep next to.

She's still sleeping, or at least I hope she's sleeping, so I decide to go to the bathroom and freshen up.

I fix my hair, which was a mess, and splash some water on my face. I don't have a toothbrush here so I just rinse my mouth with water. When I leave the bathroom and head back to the hospital room, I see Jess' mom.

I forgot she was coming. I head over to her and say hi. "Oh Niall, how are you?" She asks.

"I'm pretty good. Still worried and a little sore from sleeping on the floor, but I'm doing well. How are you?"

"Oh I'm good. I got her a few hours ago and I was waiting out in the hall. The doctors passed by about an hour ago and said she's totally fine, just sleeping now." She replies.

"Oh that's great news!! I'm so excited for when she wakes up! I'm sorry that you didn't get to go in there, it's a one person at a time policy. You could've asked them to wake me up."

"Oh no it's fine Niall. I would've just been sitting there watch her sleep anyways." She's really a wonderful woman. The rest of the conversation is just me telling her to check in on Jess now and I'll wait out here.

I keep checking my phone and each time I look only a minute or two has passed. Why does it feel like hours?!

After about 20 minutes, and a lot of frustration, Jess and her mom walk out of the room. She looks great. She's in a hospital gown, but she looks amazing. I'm just so glad to see her okay.

"Jess!" I run over to her and pick her up into a hug. Wow. This feels amazing. I feel so warm and safe and secure. I could stay like this forever. This is a great feeling. I hope to have it so many more times.

She hugs me back and stays quiet for a few seconds, then she breathes in and out once before quietly saying, "Niall, I'm so glad to see you! But if you could put me down that'd be nice. This gown is open in the back you know."

I put her down immediately and look around to make sure I don't have to rip anyone's eyes out. She giggles a little and starts talking to her mom. They're both saying something about home and yea I'll be fine and just gonna hang out for a while and blah blah.

I can't hear anything they're saying fully. I'm too focused on Jess' face. She's so beautiful. Gorgeous. Her skin is so smooth, I just want to caress it. Her hair is so silky, I just want to run my fingers through it. Her lips are so full and luscious, I can't even begin to explain how many things I want then for. She's just perfect. I'll never let myself lose her.

She looks back at me and I break out of my trance. There is something glowing in her eyes that wasn't quite there before and I love it. I think I love her. No. I know I love her.

Jess' POV
I wake up from my long, stressful state of darkness to a crappy old hospital room.

What am I doing here? What happened? Am I dead? Where's Niall? Is he dead?

So many questions are flooding my mind right now and I can't really process anything. Then it all hits me.

I remember!! I was singing with Niall. It was beautiful. It was probably the best moment of my life. I loved it. I wish it could've went on forever. But my stupid allergies got in the way.

Wow I must've looked disgusting. Niall has probably left me because he doesn't want to go out with the crazy blowfish allergy girl. Great. Way to go allergies.

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