Chap. 7. The ... Good date?

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Ok. It's been like what? Four days. That's how long.

Me and Niall haven't spoken for FOUR DAYS.

Is it bad that I miss him? No, that's just me being paranoid and lonely and desperate and dumb and ... oh who am I kidding I miss him. A lot.

I play some music while organizing my room. I LOATHE cleaning. There's dust and clothes and stuff everywhere. I think I'm allergic to cleaning.

Don't judge. It's a serious condition.

Then my phone vibrates and I assume it's a message from one of my friends, secretly hoping it's from ... him.

I take my time getting I my phone and click the home button to quickly check who it is. I figure ill text them back later when I finish with my hell hole of a room.

I do the biggest double take of my life and almost get whiplash when I see who's name pops up on the screen.

It's him.....

Nialls P.O.V

I'm trusting him.

I'm really trusting this kid.

After texting for a few days about her, Tony forces me to text her.

Not just that, the texting isn't a big deal, it's the content.

He's making me text her and ask her out on a date.


What if she cant? What if she's simply too busy? WHAT IF SHE DOESNT WANT TO?

No. I'm psyching myself out. She admited it almost right in front of me. Just not on purpose. That counts right?

Ok I finally quit stalling and just ask her.

It's nothing too big. I just wrote : hey Jess. Sorry I haven't texted you on a few days. things have been confusing. I was just wondering if you'd want to go to Dallas BBQs with me Friday at 6? If you can't go I totally understand too. :)

I added to smiley face to ease the tension. I think it worked. :). See?

Within two minutes, thankfully. She reads the message. She starts to type but then stops for a while and starts again. Then the message loads :

Sure. Where do you want to meet?

That's it? It took 3 years to write that? Sigh. Ok. Let's respond. After I tell Tony and ask him what to write.

Tonys P.OV

Yes!! I got her to say yes!! Hashtag proud of myself. 😝

I love how they both text me about the same things and they don't know I'm texting the other. I feel so sneaky. I should be a spy.

I can't wait to hear how it went ... From both point of views!!! 💁

Within 5 minutes my phone is blowing up with texts from both if them. I'm getting all of the details of this date.

The time, place, even what Jess is planning to wear. I love being popular.


Today's the big day.

Their date.

Why am I so nervous? I'm not even going. Even though they'll both be filling me in the whole time, I'm not physically going to be there.

It's only 4 o'clock so I don't know I they're even getting ready for it yet.

My thought is interrupted by my phone vibrating twice.

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