Chap. 4 The feels

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Oh yeah, I forgot.

Ok, she's either surprised or constipated because she's just sitting here on the floor staring at me with wide eyes.

Ill admit it though, I don't mind.

She can stare at me all day. I'd love to just sit at home with some popcorn and just watch her like a television show.

Is that creepy?

I don't understand. She's soooo beautiful. Is this possible? And she's a fan too? She's a miracle. I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'm glad I did it.

I felt that bolt of electricity in the kiss. Even though, you know she didn't kiss back and it was CPR but lets just say it was a kiss.

Yea, we'll go with that.

Jess' P.O.V

OMFG. Niall Horan from 1D just saved me. I think i might die. Did I just shit myself orrr? Me no comprehendo. This is Niall Horan. Can you nottttttt. I'm like dying inside. I must look constipated or something because I'm just sitting here like a duck.

My throat hurts a lot and I'm alittle dizzy but I'm just lost in his blue eyes.

THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL. Or should I say 'phenomiNiall'. Ha I'm funny. No? ok tough crowd.

Luckily, he breaks the silence by asking, "Are you alright?"

"Yea, I think so. I'm just alittle dizzy." I respond.

"Oh ok good, should I help you back to your towel?" he asks with a slight grin.

I don't know what he's planning but I'm sure I'll like it.

"Yeah that would be nice." I say simply.

I decide in being cool about the whole famous thing.

He helps me to my towel and sits next to me on Bella's towel. Where is she anyways?

He answers my question by saying, "I hope you don't mind me sitting here, Harry took your friend to the hospital when she passed out. You kind of took the whole famous thing better than her."

She passed out? Drama queen. I let him stay with me by the towels and we just start to talk about what happened.

"Um, wait one more question. Why did your boyfriend push you in the pool?" he says and he looks like realization hit him.

What? Does he mean Ben? oh that's a good one!

"Eww no gross, Ben is not and never will be my boyfriend." I say and he smiles.

"Oh, that makes more sense then. Ha. He's too ugly for you anyways. You could do so much better."

Is he dropping hints? Oooooo. I catch your drift boyyyy.

"Oh yeah like who?" I say smugly.

He chuckles. "I don't know. Anyone's better than him."

I laugh and check my phone.

Ooooops. Antonio messaged me like four times. Ha. I always miss his messages. I quickly apologize and he responds. We start talking and I tell him what happened with 'he who shall not be named.' Niall looks over my shoulder after a while and says "Ooooo, who's Antonio?" in a mocking voice.

I laugh and say," omg the cutest boy in school. I can't believe he's talking to me!" and pretend to fan girl just to annoy him.

I see a friendship growing here. His smile fades and says "oh really? Well I bet he can't sing so I got him beat." he jokes.

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