Chap. 9. The reaction

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Niall's POV
"So dinner was good right?" I say hopefully because the look on her face right now says 'umm not really'.

"Yea. It was okay. I liked talking and laughing with you." she says as she looks forward into he park we're walking in right now. She looks lost in thought.

"Is everything alright? I feel like your trying to hide something right now." I ask completely not judgmentally.

"Yea, I'm fine. My stomach just feels odd. I don't know, the food tasted good it's just not settling right with me." She says while clutching her stomach, almost with a look of pain on her face.

"Oh, well are you okay? if you want to go home I can drop you now." I offer.
"No I'll be fine. Don't worry. Let's just sit down for a few."

"Okay. Just let me know if you want to go home."

We walk to a bench and sit down. I whip out my phone and she follows. I don't know who she's texting but I'm filling Tony in on ALL of the details.

After about 5 minutes I've finished my novel and she's just staring off into space. She looks better now.

I put my phone away and right before I look up, I hear a beautiful voice humming 'home' by Phillip Phillips.

I look up in disbelief. It can't be. Sure enough, I'm right. She's sitting and looking out into the beautiful stars and humming this song.

"You have a beautiful voice."
She blushes, as usual. "Thanks." she does a sheepish smile and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her left ear.
Now she's silent.

"Oh, no don't let me stop you. Sing."
"Oh no I can't."
"What do you mean you can't. I just heard you."
"No, I mean it won't sound good. I can't sing good if I know someone's watching."
"We'll then I'll sing with you."
I start to sing the first lines of the song.

Hold on to me as we go.
As we roll down this unfamiliar road.
And all though this waveeeee
She sings along and does the harmony with me.
Waveeeee is stringing us along.
Just know you're not alone.
Cause I'm gonna make this place your home.

The way she tries to hit that low note is adorable. We laugh a little but continue.

Settle down it'll all be clear.
Don't pay no mind to the demons they fill you with fear.
The trouble, it might drag you down.
If you get lost you can always be found.

We're staring into each others eyes now, our faces getting closer, our voices getting lower, our singing getting slower. My heart is beating out of my chest right now. My whole world is in slow motion.

I can't quite read the expression on her face. It looks like a mix of good and bad.
Just know your not alone.
I continue.
Cause I'm gonna make this place your -
She begins to sing the last line with me, but we get interrupt by her leaning over the bench and throwing up. Badly.

She won't stop heaving up her food and now she's hyperventilating and crying.

I rub her back and insure her it'll be okay. What's happening?! When she finally stops puking and looks up at me, her eyes are bloodshot and her lips are extremely swollen.

She's still hyperventilating.
"Are you okay? What's going on?"
I ask extremely nervously. She has a very worried and dizzy look on her face.

"Can't. breathe. I'm gonna. pass. out."
She takes deep breaths between each word.

"No you're not I'm here. You'll be okay."
She starts shaking her head. "Call. 911. Now... "

She starts to fall off of the bench but I grab her arm and pull her up to me.
"Jess!! Jess wake up!! You're fine!! I'm gonna help you! Please wake up!"

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