Chap 3. Nialls a hero

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I walk Bens way with my had covering my face. He just had to be standing right in front of the bathroom didn't he?

I got to the door and said very quietly,"excuse me.". He turned to face me and looked closely before smiling.

Oh great. Here it comes. He says to me," oh hey stalker funny meeting you here." I still don't say anything except,

"Excuse me. I have to use the bathroom." I actually don't have to go to the bathroom anymore. I just want to leave. Why does he intimidate me so much?

"No lets talk first. Remember in Walgreens when you hit me very rudely?"

"Yea what about it? You deserved it."

"Oh did I? well then I guess you could say you deserve this."

He goes to grab my arms but I take the empty bin next to me and hit him with it.

He takes the bin out of my grasp, throws it on the ground and pushes my backwards until I can't feel the ground anymore.

I gasp as I fall into the pool-luck I'm wearing just my bathing suit. I'm choking on the water and gasping for air as I swallowed too much water when I fell in. I start to panic as I hear three voices.

One of them I can tell is Bella. She screams out,"shes drowning!! Someone help her!!" and then I hear a splash in the water.

Oh no. Bella can't swim.

The second voice is a deep British one. A man says, " no get out of there, you can't swim!! The lifeguard will get her." I'm guessing he's talking to Bella.

The last voice is Irish. After he blows a whistle he says," I got you don't panic!" and I hear another splash. I'm guessing that was the lifeguard.

I stop coughing and can breathe again but right when I come above water I see Ben throwing the bin at me. It hits me right on the head and my vision gets blurry.

I feel so weak. I can't move and I feel my self sinking deeper in the water. My vision fades to black. Why is no one saving me yet?


Bella's P.O.V

I watch as Jess heads over to the bathroom where that bastard Ben is standing. He recognizes her easily and starts talking. I stand up and if he tries anything I'm ready to go beat the crap out of him.

He lunges for her but she gets those ninja skills on and hits him with a bucket thing.

Yea go Jess!

He takes the bin from her and pushes her into the pool, the deep end.

I can see her coughing and struggling to stay above water. She's panicking!!

I scream towards the lifeguard,"she's drowning! Someone help her!!" No one moves and the lifeguard is just starting to get himself ready. Idiot.

He's taking too long. I jump in the water and hear a deep British voice yell to me," no get out of there. You can't swim!! the lifeguard will get her."

Oh really my Brit well why hasn't he yet. This is all happening so fast I don't know what to do.

He's right though, I can't swim. I try to make my way to Jess but a man wraps him arms around my waist and pulls me away.

"Let go of me I'm trying to help her!" I scream but he doesn't listen.

The lifeguard says something to her. And Ben throws a bin at her right as she starts to swim to the ladder.

She starts sinking and I can tell she's knocked out. Finally the lifeguard gets his ass in the pool and grabs her pulling her to the side if the pool.

I try to head over there but the Brit stops me again.

"What do you want? My friend could've died and you were holding me back? I don't even know you so fuck off!"

He says," I'm sorry but I didn't want you to get hurt. You're beautiful and it would be worse if you both died wouldn't it."

He seems familiar, but his stupidity distracts me.

"That doesn't even make sense you- Oh my god. OH MY GODDDD!!"

"You're HA-!"

He puts his hand over my mouth to shush me and says,"shhh I know. Just treat me like a normal person."

What is happening? Is this real life? Where am I?

My world fades to black as I think about all the things I should be worried about right now.

Jess, kicking Bens ass, HARRY FRICKING STYLES trying to save me and who is that cute blonde lifeguard? yasss


Nialls P.O.V.

Wow. That girl is really beautiful. I new to talk to her. I need to be with her. I need to be inside of her.

Woah Niall! Too far!

I'm just so stunned by the beauty of the girl lying on the purple blanket.

She stands and walks over to a guy standing by the bathroom.

Oh, he must be her boyfriend. They start to talk and I look away as he lunges at her. He must be about to play with her and throw her in the pool. Oh how fricking cute for them.

I know I must be right when I hear a splash and a male laughing.

A few moments later I hear from behind me a female voice scream,' she's drowning, someone help her!"

I turn around and see the beautiful girl in the cheetah bikini choking on water.

It's my first day on the job. This has never happened before what do I do.

The screaming girl jumps in the water-bad idea. From what i can see, she cant swim. Luckily she is pulled away by my former band mate Harry.

Yes, I'm Niall Horan from One Direction. Now is not the time.

I know I have to do something right when the 'boyfriend' throws a bin at her head and she stars to sink.

I dive in and grab her. I pull her to the side of the pool. I can easily take her out of the water. She is heavier than she looks, but still light.

I feel her neck because it would be wrong to try and find her heartbeat the other way.

She has one-obviously-but she's passed out and can't breath.

I do the only thing I can think to do and I have no problem with it.

I give her CPR. I really hope this works. I'm kind of panicking as this is happening. She's gorgeous and unconscious and she's not waking up. But HEYY I'm technically kissing this hot girl. My pants tightening are not helping the situation.

Right as I have have that last thought, she opens her eyes and sits up. I let out a sigh of relief and then start to worry again as she starts coughing and spitting out loads of water.

Oh great. I totally know what to do now.(note the sarcasm)

I just pat her back and wait for her to stop coughing. " are you alright?" I ask and almost melt when those chocolate brown eyes meet mine.

She looks at me studying my face for a few minutes before she speaks up, her voice quiet and gargly. Probably from the water.

She looks surprised, shocked even.

"Are you Niall Horan from One Direction?" she asks me and I look away for a moment realization hitting me.

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Authors note: lol naills stooped. Thx to @bellalovestoread123 for shouting me out. Read her story too plz. It's good trust me.

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