(9) My friend Taemato

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Taehyung's POV:

I froze on my spot as I heard the door open without a warning, anxiety running through my veins. I was almost fully naked, my lower half only wrapped around the white, soft towel from Jungkook which reached mid thighs.


I heard his usually soft voice cracking out.

He saw them. He saw the deep cuts and scars that covered my whole body. The ugly painting which I tried to hide under the long sleeves I wear in autumn, winter, spring and even in the hot summer days.

At this moment I wished nothing but to vanish. He is going to call me that name, that one name which I wanted to never hear again, that I wished it wouldn't exist. Well done Taehyung. That's why I didn't speak to other people, that's why I didn't want to make any friends, because if they just knew the slightest thing about me, they would freak out and think I'm gross.


I knew it will be like the old times again. That's what I get for trying to make friends. Hyung was always right, but this time he was wrong like no time before. I'm ready, so say it.


Even if I'm not, I have to be now. Just say it already.

My back was still facing him, but I could feel his stare fading away. He was probably facing the floor now, just like I did the whole time. I slowly looked at him, my side facing him now.

"I'm sorry", he said it in a low voice, to embraced to watch me.

Yea, of course you feel sorry. After all, you spent the last two weeks with me, you're really dumb for doing that Jungkook. I hope you will learn from your mistake.

"I should have knocked but I was to distressed. But you..."

I...Yes, Jungkook. I am. Say it like everyone else did before you, like everyone else who laughed and pointed their fingers at me, like everyone else who laughed but still were afraid of me.
I am a...

"...You look like a tomato right now."



Suddenly, I had the courage to look him in the eyes with my wide opened ones, to confused to progress the words he just said.

"Uhm, what?", I asked confused, tilting my head to the left.

He flashed his bunny smile, "I'm truly sorry, I should have knocked but fortunately, you weren't fully naked", he placed one hand on his neck, rubbing it awkwardly, "I know it's weird but I have to say that you kinda look cute blushing like a tomato. A cute Taemato."

A cute 'Taemato', did I hear it right?

I stared blankly at him as he placed the clothes in my hands.

"I will wait outside, so please hurry" and with that he left me standing alone dumbfounded.

He will wait for me...He didn't question anything or called me names. Why?

I stepped out of the bathroom, my hair was still messy and fluffy from the towel. Jungkook was sitting with crossed legs on his bed, typing with someone on his mobile. I didn't want to disturb him so I sat silently on the free bed.
I was glad he didn't ask about the scars but at the same time confused. Aren't humans usually nosy?

I looked around the room and soon found the black TV on the wall. Memories of how we played games came to my mind and I had to laugh because of how bad I actually played but I couldn't acknowledge it in front of the younger.

Suddenly, a thunder echoed which made me jump slightly. As I looked to the window,  I automatically brought my knees under my chin and hugged them. The brown haired boy seemed to notice my actions as he looked up from his phone.

"Are you afraid of storms?" He asked watching my movements. 

"No, not really afraid but I don't like it very much", I answered back, my eyes still fixed on the window.

I saw him hesitate before opening his mouth again, "Come here", he moved his head from my direction to the bed as he said so.

Usually, I wouldn't have come but his action reminded me of hyung, who I wanted to be near right now, so I went slowly towards him.

After a while, he put his phone in his pocket to give me his full attention.

I remembered that he wanted me to help him today so I asked him, "What are your questions about psychology? You were determined to have me help you today."

He blinked as he stated, "Hm? Oh, yea about that. Let's just do it tomorrow, I don't feel like it now."

That made me frown. I tried to hurry because of him and now he didn't even want me to help him anymore?

He seemed to had read my thoughts as he said, "I'm sorry, I know that you had to hurry and ran through the rain for me, but I don't feel like I could process anything now."

I reminded silent but figured out it would be better to say something, "No, it's ok, I can understand that, you don't feel like doing some things sometimes, it's natural."

There was again a wave of silence but surprisingly not an awkward or uncomfortable one, rather a normal one.

"Tae, can I ask you something?", he decided to speak.

I tensed. Is he going to question me about what he saw now?

"Do you think of me as a friend?", he asked.

"I...I don't know. I never had a friend. I never thought about it."

I could tell that he was shocked and sad at the same time, but that was the truth, I was always alone.

"Hyung was the only person I trusted at first and it's still like this. I had bad experiences with people, so I always distanced myself from everyone. That was until hyung told me to socialize more. I freaked out at first, but decided that I should try to find friends, because I can't always rely on him. He also has his own life and I don't want to be a burden to him. I want him to live a life without being to concerned about me.
To be honest, I don't really know how it feels like to have a friend."

Another silence arrived. I looked into Jungkook's dark brown eyes but couldn't read his facial expressions because his eyes were to mesmerizing which made me feel a weird sensation in my stomach.

"Tae", he spoke up and I shook my head slightly to focus on his words.

"Let me be your friend. Let me show you how it is and feels like to have a friend. Let me give you enough reasons to proof you that not everyone his like that what you had experience in the past. I don't really know what happened to you, but please let me break the boundary you created over years and I promise that I will do my best to make you happy."

I couldn't believe his words. They were just to delusional to me.

"Why? Why are you doing this Jungkook? You don't know me and you don't know how dangerous I can be, so why are you doing it?"

"Because you're my friend."

I have so much school stuff left plz help me .-.
But I still wanna write these chapters

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