(13) Karaoke time

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Author's POV:

Throughout the next week, Jungkook became even closer to the once grey head.

Taehyung's hair was becoming darker and Jungkook liked the natural black hair of the other one.

Through messages the older kept the younger informed about the almost new pair Namjin and both were disappointed, when Jin didn't say yes right away after Namjoon asked him to be his boyfriend, but only Taehyung knew why he did that and even after talking to his brother, Jin was still unsure.

One thing Jungkook noticed was that his youngest hyung and he had many things in common.

Both of the youngest liked puppies, amusement park's and singing, that's why he decided to take him out to an amusement park at some time, but for today, he wanted to take Taehyung out for another ice cream and karaoke and after that the older would sleep in Jungkook's room, because Jimin left to Yoongi and Namjoon wanted to stay with Jin.

After several attempts, Taehyung won the argument with his brother and is coming over at 6 p.m., which was soon, so the maknae decided to change.

It was 6 p.m., when Taehyung knocked on the door. The younger was eager to open it, but didn't want to look to desperate, so he waited until the latter knocked again.

"Ready to go?", the older beamed happily, flashing his breathtaking smile, which Jungkook loved to much that it took him a while to answer.

"Yes, i am, let's go", Jungkook said analysing the others clothes.

Taehyung wore black wide pants with black shoes and a white t-shirt combined with a grey oversized jacket.

Cute, he thought.

On the other hand, Jungkook wore blue ripped jeans, with dark brown boots and a black t-shirt.

He didn't think of it, but Taehyung also analysed the slightly taller ones clothes.

When they arrived in their karaoke room, they ordered pizza and two Coke's

"What do you want to sing?", Jungkook asked.

"Uhm...anything is fine I guess, but you can go first".

"What? No, we have to sing together Tae".

It was like the called mans' heart skipped a beat hearing this nickname, but soon tried to calm down.

"I want to hear your singing first, we can still sing at the end".

With a defensive nod, the younger began selecting his song "Knees" by his favourite artist IU.

When he started to sing along the musik, all Taehyung could do, was to admire the younger's beautiful voice, echoing in the room.
He hit almost every note perfectly and the latter was amazed.

When the younger finished, the other clapped loudly cheering:

"Wow, I didn't know you were this good Kookie! You should become a singer"

Shyly the named man accepted the compliment and ushered his hyung to sing now.

Smirking he said: "Now it's your turn Tae, show me how good you are".

The latter had to smile: "Ah I see, you're very competitive right? But I guess you will win in this, because I can't sing very well".

But as soon as he started to sing, Jungkook's eyes went wide.

The deep voice of his hyung was so beautiful to listen to. It calmed him down somehow and it perfectly fit with the song "Singularity".

Once the song ended, Jungkook clapped louder than the other did after his song saying: "I don't like to lose Kim Taehyung, but I have to admit, that you are an excellent singer yourself".

The younger couldn't tell how adorable he found it when his hyung blushed at his words. He started to like the feeling how he could make the other blush.

Time went by and it was already very dark outside when they left.

They had fun singing together and laughed a lot, not really paying attention to sing the songs correctly.

It was cold, but Jungkook still bought them chocolate ice cream, because he promised it to Taehyung.

On their way home they talked about how much fun they had and started to fool together. It was until the once grey haired male stopped his actions and looked silently to a familiar hill.

"Is something wrong hyung?", the younger asked concerned, his eyes following the latter's.

He didn't answer, but instead just went to the hill and sat down, confusing Jungkook even more, but he still did the same.

Lights could be seen from the city under them, brightening the dark and cold weather and even shining more than the stars on the clear sky.

They didn't talk and just finished their ice cream in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but rather a calming one.

After several minutes the confused maknae looked to his left side, to find any kind of emotions in the latter's face with no results.

"Tae why are we-"

"Did you ever think about why you are living on this planet?"

Jungkook looked now fully at his hyung: "Well, I did think about the purpose of life, but never really came to any conclusions", he paused, "but I can tell you something. The purpose of life is evolution.
Life is not about a meaningless thing like being born and growing up.
It is not about school, college, grades, profession, working, earning money, building houses, buying cars, getting children, becoming prosperous, and then becoming old, and dying.
All this things mean nothing, if you aren't happy with your life.
All this things mean nothing, if there isn't someone to share with.
We only live once, so we should leave good footprints on this planet.
From a biological view, we are only here to maintain our descendants, but what if you can't make kids?
Then you have to do other good things to the world...Just like my father did".

The latter chuckled.

"Why are you laughing, did I say something funny?", the maknae asked.

"No, it's just that you changed a bit Jungkook. We've known each other for two months now and it's funny how much I opened up to you. Maybe you don't believe me and think, that we are still not that close. Believe me or not but it took me three moths to talk normally to hyung and yet I still trust you enough to shower in your bathroom, to sleep with you, play with you and go out at nights with you.
If you compare your words now with them back then, you will also realise a difference.
I'm not stupid Jungkook, I know that you actually don't need my help with psychology, why are you asking for something you already know? To be 100% sure?"

The younger was taken back by this questions, yet he still dared to talk: "If I answer you this, can you also answer me a question which I'm burning to know since a while now?"

After thinking the older said: "Of course, that would be only fair".

The latter nodded: "So, if you actually trust me that much hyung, please tell me one thing", he stopped, "Where do all these cuts on your body come from? I'm asking, because it doesn't look like you did them".


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