(10) Breakfast

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Author's POV:

The warmth of the sunrise embraced Jungkook first. The said male snuggled his head further into the pillow not wanting to get up. Suddenly, something soft brushed under his chin, tickling him slightly. As he felt that his arm went numb he tried to adjust his position just to realise that he couldn't lift his arm, so he opened his eyes tiredly to see the reason.

A sleeping Taehyung laid on his arm with both arms pressed on his own chest because of how close the two were. The brown head noticed his own other free hand resting on the elder's slim waist. Taehyung's pink, soft looking lips were slightly parted and let soft breathing sounds out. His cheeks were rosy because of the warmth of the sun which found him too now and his soft grey hair which were getting darker was messy.

Jungkook stared at his hyung. He couldn't believe how a person could look this angelic during sleep.
He tried to remember why they were in this position but remembered soon that he laid down on his bed while talking with Taehyung yesterday and insisted the other to do the same, so they must have fallen asleep.
At first the grey head would say no, reasoning it with Jin hyung that he would worry if he didn't sleep at their room, so the younger was quick on sending the oldest a message that his little brother would sleep in his room tonight and told Taehyung that would be okay without waiting for any answers from Jin.
But why was the the latter on his arm now?

Jungkook looked at the clock on his nightstand, telling him it was already 10 am and time to get up. He didn't want to leave his hyung but knowing that the other would maybe freak out after seeing them in this position and asking things Jungkook couldn't answer, he decided it would be better to get up and make breakfast for them.

As he entered the kitchen he already found two plates with butter croissants and fruits and also two cups with hot chocolate which were still warm.
There was a little yellow post it note on Jungkook's cup saying:

This was actually for us but you looked to cute with Taetae, so I didn't want to disturb you, but still you have to explain a lot when I'm back. ;)

-Jiminie hyung

Heat went up to the face of the tall young man as he realised that Jimin must have seen them in their awkward sleeping position, but what was there to explain? He couldn't even explain it to himself.


Suddenly, Jungkook heard a deep voice from behind, so he looked over his shoulder, only to see Taehyung standing there in the kitchen, looking lost and tired while he rubbed his eye with his fist that was covered half in Jungkook's baby blue pullover which was to big for him.
The younger male had to coo at the sight in front of him. His hyung looked like a little kid and this was to cute for his heart to take.

"Good morning Tae", Jungkook smiled, "Why don't you go and wash yourself so we can eat breakfast together?"

The said male yawned cutely and nodded before heading to the bathroom. The brown haired boy could only laugh at his cuteness.

After finishing their breakfast they sat on Jungkook's bed in front of the TV with their hot chocolate cups in their hands, deciding wich movie they should watch.

"What should we watch Tae?", the younger asked looking to him.

"Hm, I don't know. Just select something. Everything is fine with me", the slightly smaller one answered sipping from his cup, his eyes glued to the TV screen.

Jungkook watched Taehyung do so and noticed a small chocolate milksop forming on his philtrum.

"Ah wait, you got something on your face", the younger chuckled as he grabbed a tissue to help the other.

His face went dangerously close to the other boy's face but he didn't realise it. On the other hand Taehyung was slowly getting a light shade of red, suiting the newly given name "Taemato" to him.

He watched Jungkook's handsome features and his dark, almost black eyes which gave him a weird tingling feeling to his stomach. Jungkook took long enough for Taehyung to let him scan the muscular body of the younger. He had to admit that the brown head was blessed with a good appearance which let him feel a bit uneasy about himself but he quickly pushed this thought to the back.

"So" Jungkook started again after finishing, "which movie did you choose?"

The older came back to his sense and shook his head lightly.

"How about 'Lion King'? Hyung watched it often with me when I was younger. I really like that movie."

The letter smiled leaning against the wall, so Taehyung could lean against his chest.

"Lion King is it then!"

I'm also writing another story right now but still have to plan everything because my writing isn't that good xD
But I'm in the middle of chapter one right now. I really should plan.

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