(5) Blood related and studying

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Jungkook's POV:

I gulped.
I'm not sure why I was this nervous, but I definitely was. Maybe it was because of the fact, that he could leave me now and had a good reason for it? Good job Jungkook, he already wasn't that social and now you distanced yourself more from him. Look at the boy, he is tensed because of you. He is tensed and...laughing?

Wait, what?

There he sat, in front of me and laughed. To say I was just confused, would have be an underestimation.

"Uhm, a-aren't you mad at me now because I practically hugged you from behind?", I asked slowly.

He stopped laughing to answer my question, "Why should I? Jiminie also hugged me and I wasn't angry at him."

Did he just call Jimin hyung by a nickname? I pushed this thought in the back of my head as I asked him, "Because you don't like skin ship, right?"

Another chuckle could be heard from Taehyung hyung which made me even more confused.

"Well, I don't like it, but I don't have Haphephobia or something like that, so it isn't serious. I used to hate touches even more when I was young, but thanks to hyung, I learned to accept humans more. I'm really glad I met him."

"Wait, what do you mean with 'you met Jin hyung'? Isn't he your real hyung, like a blood related brother?", I asked confused.

He was again silent. Oh crap, did I say something wrong?

"Yea, right. He is my real brother."

"But why did you say that you-"

"It doesn't matter Jungkook. Forget that I said anything. He is my real brother and that's all you have to know. Well, I can understand that you are curious now, because the human creature is naturally like that, so it isn't really your fault, but let me tell you something. It's true that I met him, but I see him as a real blood related brother, so I don't want to put him in any other category, do you understand that?"

Now it was my turn to chuckle.

"Why are you laughing now? There wasn't anything funny", he stated.

"You are really a bit overprotective over your brother, am I right? I used to be like that too. As my father died, there was only my mother and in the first months I would try to block every person away from here, who tried to take here away from me."

"Yea, I think I'm a bit overprotective, but he is like that too. He always just cares for me and neglects himself, so I have to worry about him."

A little smile crept to his face and I had to smile too. It made me happy to see him happy, so I left our conversation at that point.

We spent the afternoon with talking about random stuff, so I got to know his humour and thoughts more which were special but kind of fitted to mine. As we talked about psychology, I asked him to tutor me and gladly he agreed.

"I can't understand, how you can be so good at almost everything. Everything seems so easy for you, you are even smarter than Namjoon hyung, who is already very smart. Tell me, what's your secret?"

"My secret? Let me think about it. Hm, nope, can't tell you, I'm sorry", he said with an apologetic look.

"Hyunng, please! I will buy you ice cream if you tell me."

He laughed at my reaction which was quite embarrassing for me.

"Ok ok, ice cream is it then. So you want to know my special and big secret?"

I nodded to let him know he could continue.

"Studying", he said bluntly.

I stared at him. Studying. It made sense.

"Studying. Studying?? Is that all?"

"What else should be there?", he asked.

"Well, I don't know, you are the brain here."

"Of course, there are people who can understand things easily and on the other hand there are people who have to do more to reach their goal, so I guess you have two options. The first one is to learn 22 hours every day and to do all the other stuff at night, in the 2 hours which are left, like eating, drinking, sleeping and you know things humans need like breathing and so on. Or you live your life, study as much as you need and accept the fact that you can't be perfect, but you can always try to reach your definition of perfect, easy right?"

I sighed, "I can't believe that I have to buy you an ice cream for that now."

"It was your suggestion", he grinned.

"Yes, it was and I will keep my word, but I still have a question."

"Ask it right away", he told me.

"How come that you are this intelligent? You must have learned more than other people, right?"

He looked down for three seconds and looked back to me.

His tone darkened when he said, "I wasn't joking when I was talking about this 22 hours. There was a time, I did nothing else than learning."

My eyes widened. Did this guy just tell me that he spent almost a whole day with learning for a longer period of time? Who does that and why should he do it in the first place?

"Soo", he began with an brighter voice and pulled me out of my thoughts, "I like strawberry ice the most, just to let you know."

Uff, this guy...

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