Chapter 3

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"Guys, Harry has woken up", Ron said and soon there was an uproar of cheering.

All of the people he had called were now sitting in a group holding butterbeers. Dean and Seamus were at the farthest end. Next was Shacklebolt with Dudley. Ron and Hermione were sitting next to Malfoy. George, Angelina, Katie and Alicia were sitting next to them. To their right was Ginny, Luna, Neville and Hannah Abbott. And at the end were Ernie Macmillan, Susan Bones and Justin Finch Fletchey with Dennis Creevey.

Ginny got up and walked towards him.

"Can we talk, Harry?", she asked.

"Yeah fine", he said and both of them stepped outside.

"So how have you been holding up?", she asked.

"Not so good", I said honestly. Though both of us were expecting the break up for weeks. Actually doing it was worse. Especially when you love someone so much.

"Same here", she said.

"Ginny, I'm so sorry, okay? I tried my best. If I had not broken up with you, it would have been so wrong", I said.

"It's okay, Harry. I quite understand. I know how hard it is. It's hard for me too. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry", she said.

"It was my fault too. Don't apologise. Have you told Molly? ", I asked.

"I was planning to. But then I came there. So I couldn't", she said.

"Do you think she'll hate me for breaking her daughter's heart?", I asked.

"She'll be a bit angry for a few days but that's all. Let's still be friends. No hard feelings ", she said.

"Okay", I said.

"I've practice now", she said.

"Okay then. All the best", I said.

"See you later", she said and turned to leave.

"Ginny just a moment", I said.

"Yeah?", she said.

"Why didn't we work out?", I asked.

"We're too alike, Harry. Both of us are way too short-tempered, snappy and arrogant. And we can be best friends but as a couple it's difficult. One of us has to be grounded, affectionate and caring. Both of us wanted love but were unable to give it. I think that's why weren't good together. You'll find someone who is perfect for you, Harry. I really hope you do", she said.

"Thanks Ginny and take care, okay?", I said.

"Sure", she said and left.

I looked at her go out through the gate of the Malfoy Manor and disapparate away. Though I acted like I was fine, I wasn't. A part of me, who am I kidding? I broke when we broke up. I loved her very much, I still do. I hadn't eaten anything properly, to Kreacher's annoyance, hadn't slept at all and was trying my best not to cry.

"Hello Harry", Narcissa Malfoy said appearing beside me.

"Oh hello Mrs. Malfoy", I said.

"You can call me Narcissa. And is there any problem, Harry. You look sad", she said.

"I just had my heart broken", I said.

"Oh honey. That's horrible", she said, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah it is. I should probably be getting back home now", I said.

"Oh okay. Will you join us for dinner this weekend? ", she asked.

"Erm yeah fine", I said.

I don't know why I agreed to this. Lucius Malfoy has tried to kill me and Draco Malfoy was my nemesis. But I had agreed so.

"Hey Harry. All of us are leaving", Hermione said.

Ron, Hermione, Dudley and I were the last ones to leave.

"You were very good today, Malfoy. Thanks for helping me", I said, shaking his hand.

"Thanks, Potter. See you tomorrow", he said and all of us left his house.

"Dudley, stay over tonight", I said and he did.

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